I know this might sound weird… But it isn’t a spot really.
I got this idea in my head a few days ago based off of a prompt that I read in my reader … People were asked to post up a photo of their fantasy writing spot, wherever it is in the world, regardless of money.
If money was no object ya know? Well I wanted to answer it right away because I wished that I had a beautiful photo to share, but I didn’t. So I let it sit and then it hit me today … As I was sitting in the hotel having breakfast next to that ^ cute sign up there, it’s a state of mind!
For me, it’s a state of mind. I can write wherever really. (Though I prefer to be in a warm place with my big sweater on and a cuppa.) I just need to be filled with thought, covered in a bit of clarity and have chosen one or a few to meditate on. Then I can write.
I know when I want to write as well. I just feel it. I also know when I neeeeddd to write. Neeeddd to. You know that kind of feeling… When you need something so much that you neeeddd it? Tangent lol sorry.
Anyway I know when it’s writing time. And it’s always in my head… So I guess it always is a fantasy 🙂
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