Changing colors, dropping temperatures, pumpkin spice lattes: do these mainstays of Fall fill your heart with warmth — or with dread?
I absolutely love it. The fall is my favorite season. These are a few of my favorite things:
Warm sweaters and scarves that you can only break out when the weather chills.
That perfect type of weather that is not too cold because its crisp. It smells like clean air.
The crunch of leaves that have fallen off the trees under your feet as you walk.
Fall meals like homemade soups, chilli, meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
Going apple and pumpkin picking and using the pickings to make fresh pies.
Looking outside my back door at my backyard covered in leaves.
Raking up the leaves only to jump right into the giant pile and send them all flying again.
The smell of my house that has been lit up with delicious candles because the best season has arrived.
My birthday. I love my birthday.
Thanksgiving: my favorite holiday of the year with my favorite people and the best food.
Sweet potato anything. Pumpkin ANYTHING.
Did I mention casual scarves? You know the light pretty ones that you can only wear in the fall because if you wear them in the winter you will freeze your neck off.
Fall is a season for coming together. As the days get a bit shorter and the weather gets a bit colder and we get a bit busier, we all need an extra bit of love and comfort. Fall is about comfort and family to me. It is my absolute favorite. So as September brings routine… it also brings notions of the Autumn and my heart is most certainly filled with warmth.
PS That up there- Ireland is already in full fall mode- dead leaves all over the ground and not a single second to waste around turning into a beautiful color or anything. But everything still manages to stay pretty green though =) gotta love Dublin.
Inspired by The Daily Post
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