Our free-write is back by popular demand: today, write about anything — but you must write for exactly ten minutes, no more, no less.
What did I get myself into? I have been running around like a madwoman all week! This week was auditions for UCD Dance Society and they asked me to teach the hip hop auditions. Little did I know there were gonna be a MILLION people there and we would have 2 slots of 2 hours each for 3 days. So thats 12 hours of being high energy and sweating my buns off. From 6-10 pm everyday I was doing that as well as working from the morning until the late afternoon. Yesterday, on top of auditions, I had to teach little children Irish dancing (which is SO hard). I spent 2.5 hours screaming and yelling. Then I filmed a quick video for some upcoming gigs I want to apply to and then I found myself back at the auditions for the last day.
I don’t know how the body does it. But it has GOT to be mental. Mind over matter. For sure. I just kept going and going through each day not even bothering because I was doing this for them. The auditionees. The future crewbies. So that kept me going. It is so easy to be motivated by outside factors. Of course today though… apart from the fact that it’s totally acceptable for me to be completely exhausted, I could NOT get my act together in class. Why was that you ask?
SELF-MOTIVATION! I am so self-motivated usually. My self-motivation and determination has probably gotten me this far in my life. I owe a lot of my success to that. Along with my persistence and belief in myself. Anyway that self-motivation is what helps you to push your boundaries. But when I am tired… it goes out the window. Completely goes.
So tonight of course, I let it slip. I had to be self-motivated and push myself hard and my body was so tired that my mind told itself- you aren’t able for this so just take it easy. WELL I paid for that. I didn’t dance my best. I made silly mistakes and I found myself wondering… what did I get myself into?
Am I gonna be ready in a month’s time? Am I going to be fit enough? Strong enough? Dainty enough? Confident enough?
Yes. I know I will. My determination has grown so strong over this year since I have started the journey back towards dancing again. So because of that I know that I will be all of those things and I will be able to give it my best.
It’s so easy to say that, but it’s so hard to actually do it. So here is my pledge. In ten minutes. My pledge to commit to it and give it all I’ve got. To get focused and work on making myself the most confident, strong, dainty, fit dancer I can be. One month’s time. I got this. I have sorted it all out, in just ten minutes. So here’s to the next 10x6x24x28 minutes =) (That’s roughly a month, but I don’t have time to use a calculator to multiply it because I am meant to be writing for 10 minutes straight!)
So since it’s written down, plain as day, I will have to commit now. Thank God it only takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit. I am about to make some serious habits to be at my best come end of October. It’s so EXCITING yet also nervewracking. The journey towards being the best you is never ending. I just try to make sure that I appreciate the improvements along the way. Dancing is my life. When I am not actually doing it… I wish I was doing it. When my mind wanders off I am thinking about dancing. Any type really. I just need it. So for now it’s that good aul Irish Dance.
One month… let’s go!
Ps. That photo up there- Ranelagh Arts Festival. I LOVE IT. My little town is so cute. Art is a beautiful thing.
Inspired by The Daily Post
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