I just have so much to say. I am feeling super reflective lately because I am finally realizing just how much I love the life I have made here in Dublin. I’ve always loved it here… but mannnn this is unbelievable. I am also extremely happy that I have finally found a place and a way to express my thoughts to you.
Today was my first ever corporate event. I planned the whole thing from start to finish on my own and it was absolutely thrilling to see it all fall into place. The event was set to start at 8:30 and at that time it was dull. Extremely dull and I was worried. Not very many people were there, a ton of people were late or stuck in traffic and I was super nervous. We had tons of food and cupcakes and goodies and it would all be wasted without the people who registered to come and fill the room.
WELL… people must have just been waiting to all show up at the same time because the event started at like 930/10 and it was BUZZING. Absolutely buzzing. It was amazing. I was so proud to be running around that room like a chicken with my head cut off. There was so much talent in the room today and it was reassuring to talk to people who have made it a priority to create their life’s work out of their passion.
As we all know, that is what I’m here to do. So in that moment, that I had a chat with a woman who said … yeah you just have to keep reminding yourself that you’re not mad, I felt overwhelmed with emotions. I was so exhilarated because I was on such high from the success of the event, then I was so proud to have landed this job that allowed me the opportunity to even learn how to do something like this, I was so inspired by the conversations and the people whom I had met and lastly I felt relieved… I am not crazy for chasing after what I want. It’s nice to hear that from somebody else.
It was great and I think it actually inspired me to dance as well as I did in class tonight. Those kind of things are what clear the head every once in a while and bring you back down to Earth ya know?
Then after the event… I got a massive coming down off of the high/event withdrawal belly ache… humph. So worth it though.
And with that I bid you goodnight and sweet dreams.
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