LIGHTBULB. Absolute lightbulb went off in my head this morning. I have been listening to this song- Sober by Childish Gambino– for a few months now and it is such a jam. Sometimes I get stuck on songs just because and other times… it’s because they are meant to teach me something.
I still remember the day that John Mayer’s lyrics got to me. I was walking on the beach and I was listening to his old stuff… the best stuff. And I got caught up in the song- Great Indoors – it was like he was speaking directly to me. He says- Check your pulse it’s proof that you’re not listening too the call that life’s been giving you. And I said to myself… as I walked along the gorgeous smooth sand of the Point Pleasant beach in New Jersey on that gorgeous summer day… I said to myself… S*** B, you need to get it together! Make a plan. What do you want?
From there I went on to google the spit out of dance programs that accepted people like me and found myself a year later in a 6 month long training program at the Broadway Dance Center in NYC. It was probably one of the best experiences of my life.
Anyway … I had another moment like that today. And this is gonna be a tough one to execute but it just makes SO MUCH SENSE. Mister Gambino says… If you let let let it shine… you can free-ee-ee your mind. LOL like that? Yep that’s me singing. Just like him. Anyway… If you let it shine you can free your mind. And I thought… geezus well if I just PUT it out there.. put it all out there and give it everything and just let it all go then I can rest assured that I did my best. Then I can get out of this headspace that I’m in of regretting things and saying… I could have tried harder/done better.
This 100 percent applies to my dancing at the moment because I am trying to overcome a couple of huge obstacles. But in reality this can apply to any aspect of my life and it can apply to you too. Just have a think about it. It is worth thinking about.
Let it shine ya’ll. Free Minds all around.
Diggin it.
This is coming from the spiciest jalapeño in the bunch. I love spicy food. And I live a spicy life. Full of spice. That is why I have challenges to overcome… because it takes time to adjust to the spice. Sometimes I sweat a bit when it’s too spicy. Sometimes my mouth burns like crazy and other times I have to stop for a few minutes and pray to the heavens that everything stops burning. Equally… sometimes I suffer through it and my intestines pay the price… dun dun dunnnnnn we all know what that means. Either way… I’ve always loved spicy food and I think I always will. Variety is the spice of life. Make it spicy.
Thanks Daily Post , for helping me embellish this post. (If “failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor” (Truman Capote), how spicy do you like your success stories?)
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