Make art especially if no one is watching. How about that?
I recently heard someone say – we learn best through stories.
Why is it that we hold ourselves back until we find something that makes us feel validated?
Do things for the sake of doing them.
I recently experienced a deep-seated sadness and fear, I didn’t know myself.
Why is it that I feel like I have to know myself… why cant I just be myself?
Be here because that is enough. No one else can be you, here.
I recently thought a recurring thought… my mind is going to kill me.
Why is it that I feel the need to think everything… why can’t I just experience it?
We are more than our minds.
I recently realized that my work life and personal life are becoming more connected.
Why is it that I felt like I had to keep things compartmentalized?
Life is not meant to be lived in a box. The soul is abstract.
I recently cried so hard that I felt like my body would explode.
Why is it that it scares me to cry that much?
If my body explodes – it allows me space for my soul to be freed.
Free your soul. Free your soul. Free your soul.
That might be a welcomed change. I would be lying if I said this writing is not inspired. I have been recently very deeply moved by the actions of people around me and the settling of the dust in my life. To those who fear that their mind may be getting the best of them, those who push their bodies to their limits because they fear they’d be nothing without them, for what it’s worth – I believe that your soul is infinite just like all of ours and that no matter what physicality or mentality tries to keep us down, we are meant to be freed. Free your soul. Dive into yourself. And if you want a friend, you can find one in me.
Talk soon,
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