How long is a moment? You know…?
How long is a moment? A moment in time is only called a moment because it is significant. Otherwise it is called a second, a minute, an hour… a period of time.
But a moment is more than a period of time. A moment requires a recognition. I can’t call something a moment unless I am taking or having a moment. There is a piece of me in every moment. And I am in every second. But there is every single piece… all of me… in a moment.
So I feel I need to take a moment. As many moments as I can actually. I want my minutes, hours, days, weeks and years to be filled with moments. All it takes is all of me. To be here now. In this moment.
Otherwise time passes and we are less than present.
Moments like these… when I have the time to sit and write by candlelight – without distractions, off of Facebook and away from my phone… are few the moments that make up my memories of the time that we have to spend.
The rest of my moments have to do with being around my loved ones. Have to do with doing what I love – creating, performing, cooking, eating, living my art and heart…my heart’s desires.
I could write all day – and I feel that it’s simply because it allows me to take a moment and string it to the next moment via the words that are pulsating out of my fingertips on to this white blank canvas. Allowing me to color the page. Just the same way that I chase after the colors that make up white in my art, my writing allows me to color this white page with the fruits of my moments.
This moment… I am particularly grateful for. So I aim to take as many moments as I can and offer the opportunity for people to come and join me in taking moments. We can all sit together if you’d like. I would like that.
Talk soon,
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