An article about Capricorn season and its connection to a pressurized energy center in our bodies.
Maybe some evidence to support you if you are feeling this pressure…
to have it all figured out?
to know your purpose in life?
to have a New Year’s resolution?
to stick to something?
to hurry up and get things done?
to find your bliss?
to know?
to have the answers?
The flavor of Capricorn season
This is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I am going to go into the astrological and Human Design details/correlations next, but if you want to skip that part, scroll down to the heading titled “stop scrolling here”.
So! As a personal tool on the journey of self-discovery, astrology provides a natal chart, also known as a birth chart. Human Design provides a bodygraph.
The natal chart and the bodygraph can be used together as compliments on one’s journey to understand more about their genetic and energetic imprint as well as how that might play out in their lives.
Alright, so I am zeroing in here because I want to focus on one particular part of each chart.
If you want to look at your own charts when you read this, check out this article on how to get your Astro chart. To get your bodygraph – go to this link.
Now every year from December 21st (approximately) to January 20th (approximately), we have the sun moving through the sign of Capricorn. This is the reason why people will refer to this time of year as Capricorn season.
During this time of the year the Sun moves through each of the 30 (from 0-29) degrees of Capricorn, approximately one degree per day. Approximately every 5.5 degrees the Sun moves into a new gate in the Human Design bodygraph.
These positions are based on the calculations of the Sun along its path of the ecliptic, which is its apparent path around the universe in a year from the vantage point of Earth.
The way the ecliptic is set up, it breaks the sky up into 360 degrees and 12 zodiac signs, with 30 degrees each sign. So the Sun, moving approximately one degree per day, spends approximately 30 days in each sign.
Each zodiac sign has 5-6 gates on the bodygraph within it. These gates (which I might talk about later in another article) are a genetic imprinting of a frequency that exists in our DNA. So basically within each zodiac sign, the degree that a planet shows up in your astrology chart can be further linked to a gate on the Human Design chart.
Now why is this so brilliant?
Well because each gate corresponds to a different energy center in your bodygraph. So when the Sun moves through each degree of each sign, it is also moving through the gates and the energy centers. When the Sun moves through the degrees of Capricorn, it is primarily moving through the gates of the root energy center.
Let me share a little bit of context about both Capricorn and the root center. Please note that this context is brief and selective based off of the subjectivity of my current knowledge, experience and availability of language that feels appropriate. Aka this is NOT by any means a prescriptive definition of either thing nor is it the only definition. I would be wary of anyone who told me that because we are all using words the best we can. However I have been studying and experimenting with both of these things in depth for years. Here we go.
The zodiac sign of Capricorn is feminine, cardinal, earth. This is a sign that brings with it the qualities of receptivity, initiation and stability. It is a lens of pragmatism, one that has discipline and wants success, one that values good leadership and wants to see things happen. This is an energy that leads by example and that can be hardworking, straightforward, determined and powerful. Seeking mastery, enduring and dedicating itself to perseverance of what feels valuable.
The root center
This is the center of the bodygraph where we find adrenalized pressures in life. This energy center in the chart correlates to the root chakra and physiologically to the adrenals. This is the center where we may find a feeling of pressure to hurry up and get things done, or to do them as quickly as we can. A pressure to go out into the world and seek for purpose, meaning, stability, satisfaction. And this pressure can cause extreme stress in the body and in the life if not managed or utilized correctly for whoever is experiencing it. The deepest wisdom of this center is to trust in the timing of life and allow things to take the time they do, knowing the correct way to respond to the stresses of life.
Putting it all together
Okay! This is the very exciting part. When Capricorn season comes around, the Sun transits through gates 10, 58, 38, 54, 61 and 60. Gates 58, 38, 54 and 60 are all in the root center. So during this time of the year, the Sun is shining its light through the energetic and genetic imprinting of the root energy center which will apply pressure to our foundations. Andddddd (my hypothesis) may be adding to the feelings of pressure that I know I feel in this time of year.
And! This energy, which is a form of conditioning through what are called transits, is probably (another hypothesis) a huge contributor to the big push of the New Year’s resolutions and New Year, New Me etc. Many may feel like they have the “energy” to do all the things and they need to get the answers, make this happen, etc etc. Then what happens come the end of January/February?
The Sun moves into gate 41 and 19 in Aquarius, which are still the root center, but after that, see ya! We don’t get another root center activation until Cancer season (late June-July).
Also you may be wondering about gate 10 and 61. If you are, gate 10 is in the G center, identity, direction and love and Gate 61 is in the head center, questions and inspriation, confusion and doubt.
Why is this important …? Continue scrolling ⬇️
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The pressure comes from these energies as they reimprint us every year. Capricorn season has not only the Sun, but multiple other planets – Mercury and Venus, as well as the moon at some point and for the last 15 years (2008-2023) Pluto as well, passing through these degrees that correspond to energies that activate the energy in our bodies to adrenalize, to feel pressured to do something and do it quickly. Hurry up and do the thing so you can get rid of this pressure, which manifests as stress in/on the body and in the life.
Whew. I thought I was alone, because I have a number of Capricorn planets in my birthchart AND Capricorn is my rising sign, so this means that when Capricorn season comes around I feel a lot of activation and it has a lot to bear for me about my identity, approach to life and the world and my ideas about who I am as well as how other people see me.
I wish I could remember every Capricorn season past but I don’t. I just know that historically I have always had a hard time in January-mid Feb. This year it feels like my body really really wants to rest, but I feel this pressure to figure out who I am and I am feeling stuck and lost and sad. This is all a factor of this time that we are living in and it only hit me this morning!
A friend mentioned to me that she was feeling all this energy and she wasn’t sure what it was. Lightbulb moment for me! I shared with her about all of this and she resonated. It really hit me with a moment of clarity that these transits can sometimes feel really personal. To the point where I can identify with them and try to do something about it.
What I can see now is a pattern. And this is very exciting to me. Very. Because the alternative, or the previous way of being was that I was asleep to this. Living in it as if it was the only reality for me. It is not. I can remember that these energies are being highlighted right now. And if I were to force myself to do something because of them, it may not be correct for me.
So now my question is not about New Year’s resolutions and how do I make things happen… but how deeply can I honor my feelings of needing rest? How deeply can I witness the energy pulsing through me, making me feel like I want to be in a hurry and allow it to be there without making it mine? How deeply can I trust in the timing of my life and the my ability to respond appropriately to stress?
Even as I am writing this, I am feeling a pressure to hurry up and get it done. This is worth the time it takes though. And in some ways this energy can be really inspiring, if I allow it to move through without making it mine. Especially because it does pass over some of my natal placements (where my planets are in my birth chart). I want to give all the context, write about all the things that excite me and not miss any of it.
But this is enough. And if you want…
Questions for contemplation
- Where is Capricorn in my chart?
- What planets do I have there?
- What gates are my planets in?
- How do I feel during Capricorn season (Dec 21ish-Jan 20ish)?
- Do I feel pressure in my body or my life right now? How? Where?
- What is my body really asking for in the energy of this time?
- How can I support myself to move towards that?
Would you like help with any of these questions? You’re invited to chat further about your natal astrology chart.
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