Sometimes things are just not clear.
I ache when I think about times in life when I felt I had to make a decision before I was ready.
Equally, times when I chose to do something before the other was ready, before the situation was ready.
Now, I have a tool. I learned this tool almost 5 years ago, but I reconnected with it recently and it helps me to connect with myself.
It is a personal tool. I wouldn’t say that it is a tool for everyone. Especially because it is inspired by my energetic design imprint. I need to listen to what I say to hear my truth.
What is correct for me feels blissful. Even if the experience itself turns out to be … not blissful lol.
I allow myself time to chat to myself to see if something is blissful or not.
For a time, I felt frustrated with the word bliss. What does it really mean to follow your bliss? Really.
I was being told that my decisions would feel blissful if correct. But I didn’t really know if I knew what bliss meant to me.
So now, I am experimenting with asking myself if something feels blissful.
I reconnected to a feeling I’ve had for as long as I can remember. I believe it is my bliss. It feels like electricity, like a buzz of energy, excitement, bubbling up from my heart space and into my throat.
Sometimes it makes my eyes cry because I get so excited. Tears in my eyes.
I used to experience it on ‘dance days’ when I was a kid.
I loved the days where I had dancing. I wasn’t really aware of my schedule or days of the week so I just remember asking my mom if I had dancing that day. When the answer was yes ohhhhhh man. It was blissful.
Bliss. So what does bliss mean to me?
Right now? At this age and stage?
Bliss – n. – a sensation of pure active energy that bubbles up inside of my body, that feels like excitement and joy and love of my self; can sometimes result in my eyes tearing up or me squealing with happiness or me laughing – different ways to express this energy build up
I am so glad I have this as an anchor point right now. Is it objectively true? It feels like my truth. And it feels like something now that I can experiment with.
Everything is changeable. To me. So I’ll see how this goes. For now, it feels really good.
Blissful, I might say.
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