Slow and steady. That is what I feel the pace of my life has been lately.
Sometimes I want to get out of things and move on to new things, but every time I cycle through that energy, I learn something.
This time I am learning that there is so much adventure to be had in exactly where I am and what I am doing.
I am reflecting on how in the past I would have been chasing the next thing and the next thing to navigate the feelings of pressure that arise in my body and mind.
Not so much anymore.
What a blessing.
Now my focus is on how to communicate to myself and others about what I am learning through this pressure and these feelings.
I am no longer interested in running away or from or to the next thing.
I am here. In what I am in, doing what I am doing, living the way I am living
and learning.
Learning so much.
It seems as though the more I stick around, the more love and energy I can feel.
The more I am here with me and what is here right now in this exact moment, the more I am open and available to all of it and to change and newness.
So it is my intention to continue.
On the path of being so deeply invested in my now. Communicating and choosing with integrity. Waiting in deep patience and faith for what is for me. And allowing myself to be with myself fully and feel what I need to feel whilst aligning to now and to love as much as I can.
Being here in this way is energizing. It is giving me energy back as well.
It feels good.
It is a huge maturity curve for me to be here saying this and doing this.
Instead of running I am staying.
What an adventure.
Running was appropriate at the time. It was the adventure.
Now, staying is the adventure.
Though it felt scary and unnatural at first, I think I am leaning into it now.
It feels fun.
And I am glad.
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