Readiness has come over me
like a wave that comes crashing down upon the shore,
like bread toasting in the toaster,
like the sunset on a hot summer day.
I could feel it coming
and the whole time
I was becoming ready.
Readiness has pieces and parts
like a pizza has a crust, sauce, cheese and sometimes toppings,
like the body has bones, muscles, organs and blood,
like a car ride has starts, stops, lefts, rights and straights.
I knew there were different elements
and I had to wait
until each element was present.
Readiness is a happening
like stepping outside on the first day of spring,
like turning another year older,
like performing for others to witness.
What one experiences in the moment
is a reflection of the sum
of every experience previous to it.
And still, it is its own new thing.
Readiness is not an action
like choosing to go for the car ride,
like buying the ingredients for that pizza,
like putting the bread in the toaster.
Readiness is a feeling
like being in love with someone,
like gratitude for a great friend,
like relief from moving through something challenging.
So I feel ready and I am so glad.
What will I do?
I am working with that.
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