I made a commitment back in the middle of December. To show up for 100 days to my practices. These practices include writing on here, creating podcast episodes and updating my website.
Friday will be my 100th day. I am relieved. I did it.
I didn’t do it perfectly. I didn’t show up for all 100 days. I missed some days and I also doubled up on some days to make up for days I missed.
It’s okay though. Because I learned A LOT. And I rebuilt trust in myself. I rebuilt a habit of showing up for the things that light me up and give me self-expression.
I learned what feels good for me in terms of showing up to write. I learned the cadence of podcast episodes that I feel good about right now. I learned it all through trial and error.
That feels so damn good. Low stakes. Minimal risk. Showing up for myself and allowing myself to be with what’s here.
When I sit down to write these and when I sit down to record a podcast episode, I actually don’t know what is going to come out. I am practicing, re-practicing, honoring and re-honoring the deep art of being me.
Self-expression from my higher self, in real time, spontaneously.
It feels so good. I love it. No pressure for things to be brilliant, perfect, well spoken, well written etc etc etc. I trust in all of that.
It is already that.
It is already that.
I am celebrating the relief of a 100 day cycle coming to an end. I like when things are over because then I can reflect on what I learned.
When I am in things, I am so in them that it’s hard to really see what I have learned.
This feels so good. I am celebrating inside myself with a little dance. And these words.
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