Metamorphosis. I dreamt that caterpillars were crawling around in my mouth.
Crawling. But … sticky. Their little legs like suction cups all over my throat and inside my mouth on my tongue.
I am deeply sitting with this. Feeling like these creatures of metamorphosis were invading my sacred space. My mouth and throat where I speak my truth. Where my higher self sings her heart song.
A transformation is happening and it seems I am distressed and horrified by it. I wanted them gone. I really wanted them gone.
There was desperation.
So how would it feel to approach all of this from a new perspective? Because that is what I feel I am being asked to do. I feel worried about it, desperate, distressed, trying to stop it, more accurately, trying to get rid of it.
Do I consciously feel those things? I’m not sure.
In my dream, it was obvious.
I love to write. I felt that I needed to come here and write today. Sometimes I stop myself before I am ready.
Sometimes I write until I feel bliss. Sometimes I write until I have had enough. Sometimes I write until I feel a physical change in my body.
Those times are very gratifying. I am not responsible for anyone else.
I am experiencing a rash on my chest. My sternum.
I feel that it is something coming to the surface to show me that change is here, things are being repaired.
That feels good. What doesn’t feel good is that so much is changing. I want it though in some ways. I want to be liberated. I want to be a butterfly.
Do butterflies have families?
Do butterflies have friends?
Do butterflies have community?
It seems in some ways they are solitary. However they are connected and one with nature. Always.
It’s metaphorical and magical. And it’s real.
It’s both at the same time. I love that.
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