14 Bottles of wine. 7 girls. Two nights. You do the math.
Lying here sick in bed… listening to an 8 tracks playlist called Reflections. So appropriate. I’m so sick I’ve been knocked on my buns and all I have been able to do is lie here with my thoughts and myself and my Netflix. Netflix time is over because I’ve just watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I don’t know if I can top that one to be honest. I love that movie. I wish I could be slick like them. I also watched this movie today called The Words. It was a beautiful story.
Life is a funny thing. It really is. My body has decide to put itself under attack because I have been going crazy since the end of July with no real rest at all really. So I woke up on my birthday- the start of my 24th year. With a nasty head cold. I pushed through the day of course… because it was my birthday so who wouldn’t! I also had a ticket to the infamous Web Summit thanks to my boss and so I didn’t want to miss out on the day. I also had to be at the RTE TV studio at 5pm that evening to film the Semifinal of our journey in An Jig Gig- an Irish Dance competition show.
So… long day and I made it through. My head cleared up for the time of the show which was amazing. But it all came crashing back down on me after the adrenaline faded away. My group were absolutely amazing though. They surprised me with a cake and even found a tea light candle to put in it! LOL. It was fabulous. I felt really special. And tired.
But listen… it didn’t end there because the next day I was off to Galway with my love. I thought it would just be us two but it turns out that there were TONS of surprises in store. I was greeted by my girls in the hotel lobby and found out that they’d be staying the weekend as well. AMAZINGGGGGG. We check in and walk upstairs only to find that one of my best friends and old college roommates was waiting for me behind a pile of balloons. I CRIED. Couldn’t even contain it.
And they told me that was it. So they TOLDDDD me that was it lol. And so we made a plan to go to dinner. Not without 2 bottles of prosecco and a birthday toast of course! Then dinner and then drinking and chatting the night away. It was fabulous. My head hated me. But the rest of me had an amazing time.
Woke up the next day feeling ill. And not the famous hip hopper, rap star kind of ill, the awful head cold sinus infection kind of ill. Went to breakfast and for a bit of a walk around anyway. After that though… I needed some drugs and a rest. So that’s what I got. It pays to be the bday girl that’s for sure. Sinutab- Thanks bro. You hooked it up. We watched Frozen. What a freaking good movie. Honestly… so good. Then it was time for dinner… my favorite fish n chips in the world. Thank you Galway for hosting that. And just a little while after dinner and after we had started breaking out the card games… the room door opens and ANOTHER SURPRISE GUEST WALKS IN. I cried. Obviously. So nowwwww the surprises were over. For real. And I was absolutely DELIGHTED with life. That only meant 1 thing. It was time to buck up. So down went the Sinutab… washed away with some wine of course.
We went out. We danced. We drank wine. We took shots. We sang. We yelled. We took photos. We took selfles. We laughed. We cried. We ate pizza.
And the rest is history people. I have amazing friends. I received some amazing gifts but the best gift of all was the gift of their time with me. Their presence was truly a present =)
It was a dream birthday celebration really. There is so much more to say but honestly guys… what happens in Galway stays in Galway. So here’s to the next girls weekend and hopefully some of the photos are decent enough to be shared!
Thank you gals for making my bday a dream. Especially you my love <3
I guess it was worth the bronchitis lol.
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