What can we gain from those who have lived a length of their life before us? I’m just sitting on the train now on the way back from Galway after visiting my Grandfather for the weekend and I am wrecked. I have been bombarded with information over this weekend without even realizing it! How lucky am I though?
We spoke about every topic under the sun and he shared many thoughts with me, some of which surprised me. He informed me about his youth and the lives of his family who came before him. He gave me a history lesson. A personal history lesson just for me, to add to my sense of personal identity. In my life, times like these are rare. It’s not very often I get to spend a full day with my grandfather, talking with him and listening to him and allowing him the platform to share what has been experienced, lived and thought for nearly 70 years.
So as I sit here I’m thinking about a promise I made him – to record the thoughts, stories and experiences of those who lived before me while I’m lucky enough to still have them around. I need to get a tape recorder. I promised.
But for now the best I can do is share some thoughts. Because I feel enlightened after hearing them and reflecting on them and also because the man wants to leave one clean grain of sand in this world. So let’s see if I can help him.
- When you hit a slump. Go back to your basics.
- What matters is not that you fell down, but how you get back up.
- Hustle when you have to, but realize when you don’t have to.
- There is something to be gained from every experience you have. Pay attention.
- If you need to or say you’re going to do something, do it right then and there.
- My personal favorite for when we are all retired like him: As soon as you see the sun, leave the house!
- Know who you’re dealing with and deal in their language. (ie. sometimes you have to get crazy when you deal with crazy… ya know? You’d love to hear the stories about that. HAH.)
- There are certain relationships in this world that are special by nature, if you are lucky enough to have one, recognize it and cherish it.
He doesn’t realize it because he thinks he’s boring me. But I appreciate his company and hearing him share pieces of himself just as much as he does. It’s also lovely to have a bit of home with me over the next few weeks. Even if I don’t see him I know he’s there. It’s a great reminder to us if we ever feel lonely in this world.
Just like the stars. You don’t have to see them to know they are there. Thanks for a great weekend gramps <3
Talk soon
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