First of all it’s absolutely GORGEOUS out today in Limerick. My soul has been waiting for a day like this. I can just feel the energy in the air when I breathe and it’s the kind that recharges me.
If you have a chance today, take a few deep breaths outside. And breathe in the full, vibrant frequencies of your piece of the universe. Appreciate the Earth around you. It is Earth day after all :).
Anyway that’s besides the point. The air instantly reminded me of Boston, where I went to college. I happen to be rocking my tour guide jacket from Northeastern as well today. Coincidence ? I think not. I immediately felt grateful. A bit nostalgic but mostly grateful to my past self and my past experiences with past support networks, people and resources, who and which have aided my journey thus far.
They say you shouldn’t live in the past and I agree with them. Whoever they are. But this is my thought… When you are reminded of the past, you must acknowledge it. In my case, Boston and my days at Northeastern came back to visit me this morning and I am appreciative and grateful. So that’s a beautiful thing.
Where you’ve come from and what you’ve been through is all a part of who you are becoming. Acknowledging these experiences and what they’ve given you or put you through (if you see it that way) is what helps a person be constantly in touch with their most authentic self. Your most present and aware self is your most authentic and beautiful self. If you are pushing things away and avoiding things … How can you ever be fully here ?
So acknowledge your past. When it crops up every now and again, let it be there with you and breathe into it. Things come back to remind us of who we are and where we’ve come from. When we might need a bit of a boost or a helping hand to continue on the journey, these things can help to allow us to expand.
We are who we are because of where we have been. Acknowledge what comes up for you from days past because if not… who knows how they might affect your future days? Acknowledging past pains, pleasures and passings in the present allows you to learn to let them be and be free then to make choices now that will brighten your future.
You deserve it. Whatever it is. You deserve it all and more.Holding on to the past, reliving it and living through it will hurt you. Please don’t let yourself be hurting. This post is inspired by any and all of the people out there who have been troubled by experiences of their past. And a couple in particular who have fought and are continuing to fight the struggle of acknowledgement.
You can do it =)
Thoughts for a Friday anyway. Happy Earth day everyone!
Talk soon,
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