I want to comment on the transformative power of relationships and human experiences. This feels important. I have regular calls with my spiritual mentor. She records them for me and then I am able to listen to them over and over again whenever I want. I have been listening to the most recent one very often lately (nearly everyday, sometimes multiple times a day) and yesterday I picked up on something. We discussed experiences and how what we go through on one level… is still existent on another level. Here is my thought – rephrased in a sense from this call:
The essence of experience at the soul level is never lost.
That, to me, was a thought worthy of acknowledgement. Lately I’ve been practicing being present more in the space between two thoughts; thanks to a good friend, who suggested a short video to me which introduced this perspective into my life.
But this thought… is just so relevant to me at this point in my life. Some very important relationships in my life are transforming. Some would say they are lost. But I know they aren’t. Because I can feel you. I can still feel you. And I can still see you when I want to and I can still send you all of the love and energy that you are deserving of.
So if you ever feel like you can feel me, trust it. Because I can feel you too and I know now that it’s because our experience at the soul level has an essence. And that essence is something so beautiful and comforting and it keeps me company.
And if you feel like this is about you. It’s because it is. Don’t let it hurt too much. I’m trying not to. Let’s just keep being brave.
Talk soon
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