I want to live my truth.
I want to do what I say I am going to do – to be accountable.
I want to be with my own company in peace.
It hit me today … that none of us actually know just how far and wide our light shines really. We walk around on this Earth, doing our best (hopefully) not even knowing how we may have affected someone’s day, moment… life.
Today I had a moment of realization and while dancing I imagined myself with this bright yellow light coming from the center of my belly. It feels like this light needs to be pure if I can ever do justice to those who cross paths with its rays, ya know?
So I just feel I need to declare my gratitude and my commitment to continuing to be true and to living my truth. I find the days difficult sometimes, but the opportunity to talk about experience and being-ness with others offers me a chance to clarify what I know. Through sharing I come to know myself.
Through sharing today I realized that I will never truly know how far my essence travels, so I better make sure, just in case it ends up somewhere where it’s really needed, that it is purely me. And not a hidden version of me or an afraid version of B.
Working on it anyway. For a gal (me) who is constantly questioning why I’m here and what the point of all of this is… it’s really nice to be reminded that what I project reaches farther out than I could ever imagine. And so for that… I declare that I intend to project purely and with integrity.
And for you, who is reading this, I hope you know that every single one of us makes a bigger ripple in the waves than we could ever imagine. So if you can trust in that… what kind of an affect do you want to have? Be that effect.
Talk soon
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