To my beloved mind… I remember reading once that asking you to stop thinking would be like asking my heart to stop beating.
I would never do that, I want to be here. So … why does it feel this way with you my dear mind?
Things that go on in there feel out of my control at times. And very upsetting. So sometimes I really don’t want to be associated with that kind of activity.
You scare me. Are you even a part of me? I wonder.
What could our relationship be?
Without fear, without hiding, without associating and most importantly, without identifying.
It feels like a lot sometimes because some of the thoughts that pass by feel so real. My body reacts and it all feels so real.
In scary ways and in beautiful ways.
Sometimes, I am so grateful for you, beautiful mind.
Sometimes, I blame you for how I feel because the thoughts feel like they are uncontrollable.
I wonder, why do you want me to think these things? Do you want me to think these things? Or do you need me to think these things?
These scary thoughts, these thoughts about how things could go wrong or what a person probably thinks about me so I should avoid them.
Here are some I wish we didn’t have to contend with.
Thoughts about being wrong for being the way I am and who I am.
Thoughts about being unwanted for something I have done or something I desire.
Thoughts about being unlovable because of some way that my body naturally is.
Thoughts about wishing that things were different than they were now.
Thoughts in desperation. Thoughts in anger or hatred. Thoughts in dismissal of myself or others.
Thoughts that make me feel sick to my stomach. You know those ones?
Bleugh. And there are so many others I feel I am scratching the surface. But this is a letter to you. And why?
Because I love you. I want to be friends. I want us to each play our role. To really go for the role we are destined for and not settle for the role we feel we need to do just to get by.
Mind, I don’t want to settle anymore. I don’t want to play it small or stay within the confines of the same patterns and thought processes we’ve always had. So what do you want?
Don’t you want to measure, to inspire, to remember, to collect, to experience to witness, to share with others?
Like all the time, not just sometimes?
Those moments, when the creativity is flowing and it inspires others, it illuminates others, where insights are mined from the gorgeous library of your remembrance, those moments are magical.
I want more and more of those, don’t you?
Moments where trust in life is deep within the wisdom of my body and you are able to capture it all in present moment bliss for future guidance and past recounting.
More of that, what do you think?
I want this to be an exchange… so I have some questions for you. I hope you don’t mind, but its your brilliance and remembering that I am after. To help me make sense of how we got here.
Some of my questions.
What is here that is ready to go?
What are the biggest things you are protecting me from?
Why are the stories here?
And why are there so many around money?
Why does it hurt so much sometimes to visit with you?
Where did all the scary stories come from?Why
What need did you have as you were developing that was not met?
What can I do to nourish you and the role you play in my life?
I don’t know, mind, something about this time feels like we are ready. Do you feel it?
I know it’s scary. Terrifying even. I am terrified to witness some of these thoughts and stories. But it is so amazing as well you see. Because I can see you now.
I don’t feel like we are one in the same anymore. There’s a bit of space there.
As the space grows, I know you might freak out and wonder what to do with it.
I’d love to leave it open a bit personally. I would also love you to fill it with capturing life. With your brilliance, so that when others ask, we can share.
What do you think? Are you up for it? I would love to hear your thoughts.
I love you. Chat soon, B
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