Glenbower Woods.
I am currently so overwhelmed by how much I have produced. I am thinking a lot about balance. A lot about nature. A lot about self-sabotage.. My preferred method is to use my voice. It feels really good to talk. And also knowing what I know about myself now, it makes sense that talking feels…
Parables of B – Invitations
What am I being invited to release in order to do this? Expectations. Releasing expectations is so real for me and it’s funny because I am supporting a dear friend of mine through her process of Yoga Teacher Training and this is what we discuss. We all reflect back to each other the things we…
Parables of B – Homecoming
How can I fully embrace this homecoming? I am tired today. Very tired. Yesterday was a huge day and took a lot out of me. I realized that setting intentions and seeing them and accepting them as delivered… as real and as true… it’s hard for me and it takes a lot out of me…
Parables of B – coming home to myself + New Moon Intentions
Alrighty – so today the situation is this – the Virgo New Moon is approaching. It will be exact at 7AM September 17th. I am setting my intentions for it now. This new moon will be in Virgo which is my 9th house in my chart. The 9th house is the house of foreign travel,…
Parables of B – Recurring Dreams
I’m feeling overwhelmed today. It was such a high this morning and now I feel like I’m on such a low. Too much. Too much too much, too too much. So I turned to the screen in a different way – turning to the screen in an internal way – this is the only form…
Parables of B – Positive Obsessions
So what is your positive obsession B? ALRIGHT! Well I asked a friend this question because I thought it was so super interesting. I mean honestly as human beings – for me as a human being anyway – I find that I have tendencies, habits, things that I fall into. It’s like the mind –…
Parables of B – change
What is your relationship to change? This now… this is something that I feel like I could write about forever and also could write about with one word really. Contant. Commitment. Acceptance. Acknowledgement. Surrender. Release judgements. Guarantee. Change is a guarantee. Stagnant living is fear. I feel like this is a huge question. This is…
Parables of B – the stars
Okay how about one. Just one. I want to answer the questions below – they have been taken from different sources. I should link those sources actually. I want to answer these questions because it’s September. Because the moon is full. Because I want to and it feels right. Because I love to write and…
On the wings
I still see you bouncing up and down on the wings of the plane. They always seat me at or near the wing. I can always see it. I appreciate that. It makes me feel as though that connection is still there for me. It’s wild that we haven’t spoken at all really in the…