To the beach
Some days I wake up and I have a lot on my mind- I wonder about what happened during my sleep. I can’t remember my dreams usually but I feel like my body remembers. So then my mental activity is quite … high. And today was one of those days. I woke up and felt…
God, where have I been?
Well this is the thing – I have been in a rocky relationship with God for a long time. Since birth I was raised to believe that God was a certain way and represented a certain thing and liked things to be a certain way. So you had to be a certain way as a…
Cast it into the fire
This is a thing that I could do all the time (writing). I am in the process of looking for jobs. I’m not looking too hard yet but I’ve decided that I want to. I want to work for someone else who can teach me things. I want to be in an environment where I…
Shame in being different.
The other day I wrote about how I know that I need to do things my own way. Today it hit me that I actually have a lot of shame in that. I harbor a lot of shame about being “different” and so that is in direct opposition to the core of my purpose which…
Challenge – a blessing in disguise
What have been the greatest challenges in your personal and emotional life? What has challenged you most financially? – A Year to Get Rich with Purpose Day 261 (Daily OM) LOL okay I have to just call myself out here. Because I come on here all excited to write and then the FIRST thing I…
Invoking Joy
In the spirit of continuing to be in community whilst we must distance ourselves, I want to make sure that you all know how much we all deserve joy. I’ve asked the Universe, as always, to support me in this effort and I do believe that we are all deserving of joy. Joy is your…
I am love.
With everything that is going on in the world, I feel compelled to use my privilege and good fortune to share. I want to contribute and I asked the Universe to help support me in this. I hope that it can offer something to whoever finds it. Thank you for being here. I love you.…
Like love.
I sometimes feel uncomfortable when I have to grow. Sometimes I don’t but I think actually I still do but in that moment I’m okay with it. There is a difference between being uncomfortable and feeling uncomfortable I think. Feeling uncomfortable seems to come with some sort of realization – or even some judgement. …
The biggest leap of faith…
So here I am… at the airport … waiting till the last possible moment to give birth to this damn post lol because it carries so much weight – why it does it feel like the weight of the world is in one little phrase? Well heres what Im figuring out – when the phrase…
Float float float
Float float floating finger tips upon the keys it’s honestly one of my favorite things to do with my time. Some days I just want to allow myself to be sucked into the world of the internet. It’s like this energy that is the illusion of what we all have as human beings. An interconnectedness…