Body knowledge
Sometimes writing things down changes the learning. And writing things down … is more for the mind to remember what the body already knows. Feels humbling to realize that in a way we are all just playing catch up with our bodies. How powerful is that? I’ve been through such an intense physical process the…
Crossovers in life
I learned a few somethings over the past couple of weeks in Dublin. Two heads are better than one. Cycling is difficult when you are in the same lane as all the buses… and no matter how fit you are you will sweat doing it. Talking about what we do is important. Doing what we…
Visiting. Coming. Going. Staying. Leaving.
I flossed my teeth this morning. It was very painful and my gums were bleeding quite a bit. A while back, I made a really good habit of flossing daily. It was something I did for myself and it really made a difference to my daily life believe it or not. Somewhere along the line…
#Onmyown – cheeseburgers
Well this is something I just want to start sharing. Doing things on your own. It’s such an interesting thing in this world the way it is today. There is a stigma around doing things alone – from my experience anyway. That people will feel sorry for you because you are alone and so that…
Dancing in the rain
I danced in the rain today. Literally. But there’s something about that phrase – isn’t there a quote that goes something like … learn to dance in the rain? Something like that. Anyway – it’s such a funny process to go through – surrendering. I experienced it today in such a physical way that it…
One Hundred and Eighty.
One hundred and eighty. 180. That’s the number of degrees it takes to shut my bathroom door. My new bathroom door that is – in my new home. 2016 man… what crazy year. My parents sold the house this year so my family home now belongs to someone else. I hope they are enjoying it.…
The Universe Sends You Signs…
Can you read them? Yesterday morning I woke up and decided I was going to go on a holiday alone. To Portugal. To the beach and the water- where I belong. This morning I woke up to this article about traveling in my inbox. What are the chances eh? Completely confirms my choice to book…
With good intentions
Well they say you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You might look at it longingly, fully intending to not eat too much of it, but eat too much of it anyway and maybeeeee get a belly ache. This happened to me recently. And the belly ache was SO big it nearly cost me…
Spotlight on Dublin Dance Festival
Watch that ^. Just watch that and let yourself feast on the beauty of it. This week I have been volunteering at the Dublin Dance Festival (DDF) and I was lucky enough to be able to sit in on the screening of Alonzo King’s Constellation. Mr. King himself gave a post-show talk as well and what…
Stories from my grandfather
What can we gain from those who have lived a length of their life before us? I’m just sitting on the train now on the way back from Galway after visiting my Grandfather for the weekend and I am wrecked. I have been bombarded with information over this weekend without even realizing it! How lucky am…