A steady drip is a good flow.
I woke up this morning at 615 am so that I could drive to Shannon Airport with my roommate (who is an absolute angel by the way) to pick up my Grandfather. He is visiting Ireland for the first time and he will be here for the next 6 weeks exploring the country of his…
The present is a present.
Happy Saturday everyone! So I’ve been meditating now for the past 13 days every morning. I love it. It’s really helped me to set myself up for the day and to remain in the present. If you want to try this 21 Day Meditation go right ahead I’d love to hear from you about how you’re enjoying…
Alright Alright Alright
Let’s talk about how we get places. Let’s just really talk about that because as far as I know… teleportation doesn’t exist yet RIGHT? Definitely not because if it did I’d be in a million places a day hah! Anyway I was reminded of something today, by someone who inspired me greatly this weekend. He…
How far can you push it?
What do you think about that? Do you ever just think… oh I have to save my energy for ___. Better hold back now so I can save it for later. Do you ever go for a run and decide to take it slow for the first 19 minutes because you are running for 20……
Allowing myself to be supported
When I was younger I used to wonder. I was a perpetual wonderer. I think I still am but sometimes I feel it’s been a bit dimmed down. When I was young I could wonder about anything because I had two super heroes for parents who obviously knew everything. And if they didn’t well then…
Why don’t I stay awhile?
I have missed this. This here. Sitting here typing to my heart’s content and freeing my mind to allow more space for my soul to breathe. That’s what this is about for me. I have nearly avoided it for the past few months in a funny way. I realize now I was maybe trying to…
I’m just a dreamer
Just this morning I had the most vivid dream I’ve had in a while. I’ll tell you about one that I always have and then I’ll tell you this mornings because that is more detailed. Here is my recurring saga- All of a sudden I’m running. I don’t know where I’m running to but I…
L is for Learning.
L is for life. L is for learning. So therefore… Life is for learning right? I think so. I am sitting here thinking about the practice that I am going to be doing in the next few minutes for a showcase this Saturday as a part of the Riverdance Summer School. It just has me thinking (apart…
I miss this…
Well here I am again! I love writing but I still feel like I haven’t figured this out. Blogging turns me off every once in a while, every time I’m too afraid of what I have to say. But since I’ve gotten home, and particularly since this trip, I have been becoming. …
I’ve been cooking up a storm!
OH mannnnnnnn have I been cooking up a storm. Since #whatididforlove is over with now, I’ve been spending a lot of time hanging around the house just doing things for myself. Feeling guilty about it of course but in between pangs of guilt I’m enjoying it thoroughly lol. That is sooo lame lol sometimes I…