I love my bike!
Dublin is such a lovely city. It really really is. So metropolitan in it’s own ways, but in other ways it is still so unique and unlike any other place in the world. It holds a special place in my heart and really feels like home to me. One thing I love about it is…
When life gives you lemons and what not
My goooddddnessssssssss I think I hit stone bottom yesterday. You know, the smaller less mean and horrible younger brother of rock bottom. I really do think that. I was feeling awful about my job and about my life. And why ?! That directionless feeling crept back in… You know the feeling I mentioned before? The…
Loneliness and solitude
Yesterday I volunteered at the Croke Park Classic! For those who aren’t familiar it was a college football game that was hosted in Dublin’s Croke Park, which is a very well known and historic venue for GAA sports. Penn State played UCF in their season opener and it was an amazing game! Because I volunteered…
LOL On Dublin Bus Yesterday… serious LOLs.
Sometimes life is funny. I was sitting on the bus minding my own business and these two guys were sitting a few rows behind me, minding their own business. They were minding it but they certainly were not keeping it to themselves. I could hear, very clearly, every single word of their conversation. They complained…
My Mind is about to explode
I got 12.5 hours of sleep last night. Woah. I’m not sure what happened in that time, but it feels like my mind is going to explode. Usually sleeping helps people feel refreshed. Well not me I guess. Not every time at least. My body feels much better. I have been pushing myself to the…
Today feels like a hard day.
Do you ever just have one of those days… One of those days where things keep happening but none of it is going your way? And you say to yourself … I don’t want this day. Today feels like a hard day. Well that happened to me today. I had plans. Big ones. I was…
What have I been eating lately?
So a couple of months ago, a really fabulous blog called Lovin’ Dublin came out with a list of the 150 Best things to Eat and Drink in Dublin. The list is phenomenal. PHE NO MEN AL. So I decided that when I can help it, which is almost always, I will only go to a…
Sometimes Lucky Feels Yucky.
This August has been one of the most amazing months of my life. This life has been amazing in general if I think about it. But back to August. I started off with Take the Floor, an amazing 2 weeks filled with rehearsals, dancing, and 3 shows that confirmed for me how much I love…