I realized
So she worries. This is the phrase that I was given. I have to say that I just feel like I want to be here sitting in this position with my hands on the keyboard and that is why I am here. I am not sure what is coming out yet but I am sure…
Still rolling…
So I did the thing. I did the thing I was a bit nervous about. Life really does move on and change and grow. It really does. No doubt about it. I am so amazed to think about how my experience of the last 24 hours has allowed me to realize how much I have…
Someone cares about my human experience
I received a letter this evening. From a supporter of my choreography. I would consider him a friend now in a way. He has been so supportive from the moment he entered into my artistic world and the support seems to be unending. He is my pen pal I think. I would say so yes.…
Birthday Wish
So every year on my birthday I take the whole day off from social media. I’ve done it as long as I can remember. Some people know this about me already. I like to take the whole day away from it so that on the 7th I can read through all of my birthday messages…
To accept what I cannot understand
Alright I’m just going to let this one float out of the fingertips of a gal who has been transforming since … BIRTH hahahah really we all are transforming from the moment we exist. But here is the story – the consciousness of my own transformation has really become a skill I have been developing…
The letter after the fire
Sometimes I just want to write shit down and then burn it. I really should start doing that. Because writing is really how I express myself. But I think about this platform – and how grateful I am to have this connection to the universe through cyber space -and I say to myself – I…
Be magnanimous, darling.
January 1, 2018 – magnanimous – adj. – showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit; showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind : FORGIVING In an effort to live more magnanimously, I will be looking up one word from the dictionary, every single day this year. I am excited beyond believe…
#SundayStories This post had a name earlier… OH! Start as you mean to go on
And just FKING goooooo. You know? Just go. Go on – keep going. Today, December 31st, feels like the start of the new year for me. I think it always has felt like that but I have not really acknowledged it until this year. But this morning I woke up and I decided not to…
Visiting. Coming. Going. Staying. Leaving.
I flossed my teeth this morning. It was very painful and my gums were bleeding quite a bit. A while back, I made a really good habit of flossing daily. It was something I did for myself and it really made a difference to my daily life believe it or not. Somewhere along the line…
A declaration
I want to live my truth. I want to do what I say I am going to do – to be accountable. I want to be with my own company in peace. It hit me today … that none of us actually know just how far and wide our light shines really. We walk around…