These days
See that up there ^^? She would never admit it, but she was petrified of looking the way she was feeling at the time… like sh*t. April 2014… I had just started dancing again after 13.5 months off. I ruptured my achilles… got operated on… and began the long long long road to recovery. Well…
The timing of things.
What I want you to know is this: 1. There has never been a safer time in history to share your soul’s voice than right now. And every time you share your soul’s voice, you not only make it easier for you, you also encourage someone else to do the same. 2. If you are in…
Sometimes I can feel you…
I want to comment on the transformative power of relationships and human experiences. This feels important. I have regular calls with my spiritual mentor. She records them for me and then I am able to listen to them over and over again whenever I want. I have been listening to the most recent one very…
I allow myself to trust in life
I have a morning routine. Do you? I don’t know if I’ve always had one… I suppose I have but this one that I’ve been into lately is a purposeful morning routine. Every morning when I open my eyes I stick on some sort of guided meditation. I love it. I take 10-20 minutes in…
Fill up your own cup.
I read this line earlier – ‘mornings are about renewal.’ WELL. It’s like that line was written right when I woke up this morning because for the first time in a while I had the morning to do whatever I wanted in that moment and it felt so great. I spent an hour and a…
Writing when I feel bad.
Today feels really hard. Yesterday felt extremely hard. My parents sold my family home yesterday. I feel like the roots I had in this Earth have been uplifted without any closure. I’m not there, so what can I do? It feels surprisingly (yet also familiarly) lonely. I know I’m here, in Ireland, with a great…
How about just be who you are?
How the heck do we do that eh? Well I’ve been thinking a lot lately about trying not to think ahaha! And it has cleared up a few things for me. I have spent so much time getting caught up in what I want to be or how I should be. You know that feeling?…
The Story Of My Life
Everyone has to fight to be with the one they love, there is no need to make it a legal battle as well. – If you are in Ireland VOTE YES on May 22nd – And so it begins, the tale of the experience that changed my life. I’ve had to work my buns off and…
Taste the Rainbow
Think about this… When was the last time you painted a rock? If ever? When was the last time you just did something fun and silly, the last time you played pretend and really let your imagination run wild. Do you take the time to let the young spirit in you have a little fun…
We need to talk.
^^^ RIGHT THOUGH? Can I get an amen please? I know what you’re thinking. That I’m going to go and rant about how utterly awful that phrase is and what’s worse is usually what comes after it. Well that is all true. But we already know all of that! Usually (more often than not) that phrase…