Category: Archive

  • Spotlight on Dublin Dance Festival

      Watch that ^. Just watch that and let yourself feast on the beauty of it. This week I have been volunteering at the Dublin Dance Festival  (DDF) and I was lucky enough to be able to sit in on the screening of Alonzo King’s Constellation. Mr. King himself gave a post-show talk as well and what…

  • I allow myself to trust in life

    I have a morning routine. Do you? I don’t know if I’ve always had one… I suppose I have but this one that I’ve been into lately is a purposeful morning routine. Every morning when I open my eyes I stick on some sort of guided meditation. I love it. I take 10-20 minutes in…

  • Where we come from…

    Where we come from…

    First of all it’s absolutely GORGEOUS out today in Limerick. My soul has been waiting for a day like this. I can just feel the energy in the air when I breathe and it’s the kind that recharges me. If you have a chance today, take a few deep breaths outside. And breathe in the…

  • Stories from my grandfather

    Stories from my grandfather

    What can we gain from those who have lived a length of their life before us? I’m just sitting on the train now on the way back from Galway after visiting my Grandfather for the weekend and I am wrecked. I have been bombarded with information over this weekend without even realizing it! How lucky am…

  • Fill up your own cup.

    Fill up your own cup.

    I read this line earlier – ‘mornings are about renewal.’ WELL. It’s like that line was written right when I woke up this morning because for the first time in a while I had the morning to do whatever I wanted in that moment and it felt so great. I spent an hour and a…

  • Perspective.

    It’s been a very crazy week for me. I had my first call with my spiritual mentor on Wednesday and she and I spent a lot of time talking about responsibility and homesickness, connection and energy. I listened to the call again today and another thought dawned on me. Time is passing, space is opening,…

  • Writing when I feel bad.

    Writing when I feel bad.

    Today feels really hard. Yesterday felt extremely hard. My parents sold my family home yesterday. I feel like the roots I had in this Earth have been uplifted without any closure. I’m not there, so what can I do? It feels surprisingly (yet also familiarly) lonely. I know I’m here, in Ireland, with a great…

  • A steady drip is a good flow.

    A steady drip is a good flow.

    I woke up this morning at 615 am so that I could drive to Shannon Airport with my roommate (who is an absolute angel by the way) to pick up my Grandfather. He is visiting Ireland for the first time and he will be here for the next 6 weeks exploring the country of his…

  • The present is a present.

    Happy Saturday everyone! So I’ve been meditating now for the past 13 days every morning. I love it. It’s really helped me to set myself up for the day and to remain in the present. If you want to try this 21 Day Meditation go right ahead I’d love to hear from you about how you’re enjoying…

  • Finding your truth.

    So here’s a thought for a Friday. Give yourself the weekend maybe to ponder this. How do you know what you know? How did you learn it? Who did you learn it from? Who did they learn that from? How do you know its the truth? Is it fact? Just think about these things for the…