Category: Archive

  • Alright Alright Alright

    Let’s talk about how we get places. Let’s just really talk about that because as far as I know… teleportation doesn’t exist yet RIGHT? Definitely not because if it did I’d be in a million places a day hah! Anyway I was reminded of something today, by someone who inspired me greatly this weekend. He…

  • How far can you push it?

    How far can you push it?

    What do you think about that? Do you ever just think… oh I have to save my energy for ___. Better hold back now so I can save it for later. Do you ever go for a run and decide to take it slow for the first 19 minutes because you are running for 20……

  • Allowing myself to be supported

    When I was younger I used to wonder. I was a perpetual wonderer. I think I still am but sometimes I feel it’s been a bit dimmed down. When I was young I could wonder about anything because I had two super heroes for parents who obviously knew everything. And if they didn’t well then…

  • How about just be who you are?

    How the heck do we do that eh? Well I’ve been thinking a lot lately about trying not to think ahaha! And it has cleared up a few things for me. I have spent so much time getting caught up in what I want to be or how I should be. You know that feeling?…

  • Here is my take on self-worth

    Here is my take on self-worth

    You can’t put a price on your self-worth. And so what happens when people try to do that? You learn to fight for what you think is right… eventually. Allow me to share. It hit me like a ton of bricks today and it was so gratifying. Someone was trying to sell me something. Something…

  • Why don’t I stay awhile?

    Why don’t I stay awhile?

    I have missed this. This here. Sitting here typing to my heart’s content and freeing my mind to allow more space for my soul to breathe. That’s what this is about for me. I have nearly avoided it for the past few months in a funny way. I realize now I was maybe trying to…

  • You can make a home wherever you go.

    Isn’t it funny how people can get hung up on logistics and details? You want a certain thing but it has to be a certain way or you won’t be happy. Everything must be prepackaged just the way you like it or it isn’t for you. Is that right? Does that even make sense? I…

  • I’m just a dreamer

    Just this morning I had the most vivid dream I’ve had in a while. I’ll tell you about one that I always have and then I’ll tell you this mornings because that is more detailed. Here is my recurring saga- All of a sudden I’m running. I don’t know where I’m running to but I…

  • Of Flattery

    I’m just thinking about how that makes me feel. Being imitated. I used to get so annoyed with it. I don’t find it to be the highest form of flattery. Well at least I didn’t until I really started exploring the creative arts. I remember when I was growing up someone would come to school…

  • She doesn’t mind.

    There once was a time where every single song reminded me of that time. Of that place. When I left Dublin the first time I was heartbroken. I had never had an experience like that in my life before. I had fallen so deeply in love with the place (and a particular person) without even…