Category: Archive

  • Deep aerobics y’all.

    Deep aerobics y’all.

    We got tickets and that evening we experienced and became masters of the art form of Deep Aerobics. It is deep. Trust. So my urge slash itchiness slash infection with being active and doing fun things has continued on strong! The Fringe Festival is in Dublin at the moment and I liked it on Facebook…

  • You are so beautiful to meeeeeee

    You are so beautiful to meeeeeee

    We’ve all heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Do you agree? Is all beauty contingent on a subjective point of view? In short: Absolutely. So what’s the full story? Well let me just start with that photo up there ^. To most- that view is beautiful, to some- that girl is…

  • Happy Birthday Babygirl.

    Happy Birthday Babygirl.

    One year ago today I was so desperate. One year ago today I was so hopeful. One year ago today I knew I would be here. One year ago today I had no idea how I would get here. One year ago today I had faith that carried me through to today. Today I am…

  • Walking along the Dublin seafront

    Walking along the Dublin seafront

    How can you beat that^?! The photo honestly doesn’t even do it justice, but yesterday’s walk along the Clontarf seafront was so nice. I was just itching to go out and do something yesterday. I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been using my free time to actually dooooo anything. So yesterday it all came to…

  • Don’t settle… Chase after the rush.

    Don’t settle… Chase after the rush.

    So I read this article yesterday about why you should move five times in your life and how you should never stop chasing that uncomfortable feeling you have when you find yourself in a new experience. It kind of reminds me of that movie … I can’t remember what it’s called but basically the guy…

  • Remember remember… the 11th of September

    I still remember it like it was yesterday. You know the way that people say that? When I was a kid I used to hear that phrase and think… what the heck does that even mean? That made no sense to me. Looking back on it now, though, it makes absolute perfect sense. The memory…

  • My mind is always reeling

    My mind is always reeling

    Busy busy busy. I’m a busy bee. The routine is back! September is here and the routine is here to stay now. And I’m thinking. My mind is reeling. Now I’m not sure if I’ve used that word correctly but it reminds me of a movie reel like they use in the theaters. It just…

  • What do you want to get out of today?

    What do you want to get out of today?

    Yesterday I had my second radio interview this summer. This time, it was about the company I work for. The interview was with a pretty popular Irish radio station. You can see the name up there if you really want to know what it is =) It was a great experience for sure, I loved…

  • I’ve been looking for you …

    You’re sitting at a café when a stranger approaches you. This person asks what your name is, and, for some reason, you reply. The stranger nods, “I’ve been looking for you.” What happens next? So I’m probably sitting down in a Starbucks having a PSL because it’s September, finally. Even though since I’m in Dublin…

  • I cry for everything. It’s that simple.

    Do movies, songs, or other forms of artistic expression easily make you cry? Tell us about a recent tear-jerking experience! Soooo yeah… I love people. I love happy endings, I love love and I love romance. I love cute things and little things and quirky things. My people-o-meter is off the scallleeeeeee. Lots of movies, tv shows, videos,…