6 Rules That Should Be Guiding Your Career
Must read. A MUST READ. Goes along with my view of the world: http://wp.me/p4MsCL-2G
The way I see the world
Thank you Write With Warnimount for speaking the ABSOLUTE truth. Why is this a minority view? Why. I have sworn for years that I just don’t see the world the same way everyone else does. But it’s nice to know that there are some people in my corner. Mr. Joe Warnimount speaks up about 5 things we…
September brings…
This will be the second September in my short life that I will not be returning to school. It feels weird but I have to say, September still brings the same kind of feelings regardless of what’s going on in my life. September brings a sense of seriousness but not in a bad way. A…
My Mind is about to explode
I got 12.5 hours of sleep last night. Woah. I’m not sure what happened in that time, but it feels like my mind is going to explode. Usually sleeping helps people feel refreshed. Well not me I guess. Not every time at least. My body feels much better. I have been pushing myself to the…
I just want to write!
I feel a sense of release… like I’ve been freed or something since I started this new adventure. Writing here just feels so relaxing and cathartic. It is like my journal, but better in some ways because typing keeps up with my mind. Don’t get me wrong I could never replace my journal with blogging…
My Fantasy Writing Spot
I know this might sound weird… But it isn’t a spot really. I got this idea in my head a few days ago based off of a prompt that I read in my reader … People were asked to post up a photo of their fantasy writing spot, wherever it is in the world, regardless…
Today feels like a hard day.
Do you ever just have one of those days… One of those days where things keep happening but none of it is going your way? And you say to yourself … I don’t want this day. Today feels like a hard day. Well that happened to me today. I had plans. Big ones. I was…
You Lift My Heart up, when the rest of me is down
You life my heart up, when the rest of me is down, she said to me. How could it be? What does that even mean? Well it carries a lot of weight. And a lot of responsibility. The best thing is that when it’s true, it’s one of the most amazing feelings in the world.…
Reality… Food runs my life.
Yesterday on my way home from work I stopped at the Spar across the street to get a sandwich. I had eaten my lunch at 11:35 because I just couldn’t wait. I was too hungry. So by 3 pm when I got out I was hungry again. Sandwich time! It was delicious by the way.…
What have I been eating lately?
So a couple of months ago, a really fabulous blog called Lovin’ Dublin came out with a list of the 150 Best things to Eat and Drink in Dublin. The list is phenomenal. PHE NO MEN AL. So I decided that when I can help it, which is almost always, I will only go to a…