Every day doesn’t have to sound a certain way.
I feel tired of having to be this person that others think I am. There’s something that seems to have been learned in me that says – don’t call anyone unless you are in a good mood. And if they call you, make sure you sound happy so you can make them happy. Oh it…
Someone cares about my human experience
I received a letter this evening. From a supporter of my choreography. I would consider him a friend now in a way. He has been so supportive from the moment he entered into my artistic world and the support seems to be unending. He is my pen pal I think. I would say so yes.…
Challenge – a blessing in disguise
What have been the greatest challenges in your personal and emotional life? What has challenged you most financially? – A Year to Get Rich with Purpose Day 261 (Daily OM) LOL okay I have to just call myself out here. Because I come on here all excited to write and then the FIRST thing I…
Pulling the hair out of my mouth
Come out: emerge, become known. Coming out to myself seems to be the thing – the thing I keep doing over and over and over again. As I continue to peel back the layers of what I seem to be wearing on top of the truth. I had a dream last night that I was…
Feelings I love
The other day as I was meditating, a memory flashed into my mind about a January day in 2017. I was on my way back to Ireland after a 5 week stay at home for the holidays. I had just finished my Masters and was celebrating that accomplishment. I was also in love. Deeply in…
I don’t know what to call it I just want to write it.
I was wondering today – if I say I wonder instead of I think – then does it make it easier for me to put things out into the world? Do you ever feel afraid to just say what you think? Question yourself like – well who am I to think that? How do…
Invoking Joy
In the spirit of continuing to be in community whilst we must distance ourselves, I want to make sure that you all know how much we all deserve joy. I’ve asked the Universe, as always, to support me in this effort and I do believe that we are all deserving of joy. Joy is your…
I am love.
With everything that is going on in the world, I feel compelled to use my privilege and good fortune to share. I want to contribute and I asked the Universe to help support me in this. I hope that it can offer something to whoever finds it. Thank you for being here. I love you.…