A woman’s worth… a human’s worth.
I listen to this song by Sabrina Claudio – it’s called As Long as Your Asleep… She says – as long as your asleep, she’s not getting what you gave to me. And it’s interesting to me – I love this song so much. I really feel it on a level that seems like…
Like love.
I sometimes feel uncomfortable when I have to grow. Sometimes I don’t but I think actually I still do but in that moment I’m okay with it. There is a difference between being uncomfortable and feeling uncomfortable I think. Feeling uncomfortable seems to come with some sort of realization – or even some judgement. …
Birthday Wish
So every year on my birthday I take the whole day off from social media. I’ve done it as long as I can remember. Some people know this about me already. I like to take the whole day away from it so that on the 7th I can read through all of my birthday messages…
Mom, I love you.
For as long as I can remember, writing always felt like a really natural and authentic way for me to express myself. I write when I am happy, sad, upset, struggling, joyful, celebrating – I feel that the words come to me to express it all. Recently I’ve been debating about where the words come…
The biggest leap of faith…
So here I am… at the airport … waiting till the last possible moment to give birth to this damn post lol because it carries so much weight – why it does it feel like the weight of the world is in one little phrase? Well heres what Im figuring out – when the phrase…
Stop Stopping.
So just stop stopping. I put up the paper again today after months of not having it up. I’m not sure why I do that to myself. I went into the studio today even though with the way I felt – previously I would have just decided not to go. It made everything…
Float float float
Float float floating finger tips upon the keys it’s honestly one of my favorite things to do with my time. Some days I just want to allow myself to be sucked into the world of the internet. It’s like this energy that is the illusion of what we all have as human beings. An interconnectedness…
To accept what I cannot understand
Alright I’m just going to let this one float out of the fingertips of a gal who has been transforming since … BIRTH hahahah really we all are transforming from the moment we exist. But here is the story – the consciousness of my own transformation has really become a skill I have been developing…
I am enough.
Okay honestly I think I’m about to spew what feels like decades of words on to this page. It’s really wild that it has only hit me lastnight/this morning how much information there is out there. That we are basically born into an information overload. Billions of temptations of things to learn, to experience, to…
Learning vs transforming
I went for a walk today and it took me a lot of time to convince myself to get out there. But once I did it was like someone let the lid off a steaming pot of word stew because I went OFF. Couldn’t stop talking to my pals in the universe. I knew I…