Truth vs reality
Today the first words I spoke were “thank you”. Then I began to notice that the next four or five times I opened my mouth to speak it was to say thank you or “you’re welcome”. I walked up to yoga training in absolute reverence for the beauty of those interactions. How lucky am I…
The letter after the fire
Sometimes I just want to write shit down and then burn it. I really should start doing that. Because writing is really how I express myself. But I think about this platform – and how grateful I am to have this connection to the universe through cyber space -and I say to myself – I…
Stories I am letting go of
Life is meant to be free – it really really is. It’s wild to think about and that’s because its so unknown. What is freedom? What is a free spirit? We all are. That is what we were born to be, but how do we actually live that reality? By simply not knowing and…
Do you have the time…
Do you have the time to stop and wonder? -Sarah Baker I’m wondering about wondering now… meta-wondering. I am reading through a new magazine these days, it’s called Bella Grace magazine. My mom bought it for me and I think maybe she’s on to something. These people seem to be like me. Sarah Baker asked…
A savage and a sweetheart
She is an old soul with a new style,who wears black and speaks her mind. So powerful, she leaves her prints on everyone she touches because she is both: A Savage and a Sweetheart. – S. Menutt I resonate deeply with this quote. Sometimes I feel more like a savage in my inner life and a sweetheart…
The longest winters
“When we reduce great things to such dismissive categories, we rob them of their selfhood and deprive them of their voice.” – Parker Palmer I cracked open today. I can’t believe I have been refusing to crack open for so long. I really cracked. How can I continue to reduce my greatness to pretending that…
Words left unsaid… art.
In case you ever needed to know … What’s left unsaid is something like this: You are absolutely incredible. If you could only see what you bring to this world you would never hesitate to give yourself all of the best things that life has to offer. Whatever you feel is perfectly okay.…
Don’t look down. ouch…
February 6th. I celebrate the 6ths of the month. For me you know? I was born on the 6th. It is my day. On the 6th I read my morning meditation and it was about trusting our hearts. How sometimes (many times for me) we will go into different ways of dealing with painful experiences…
Gratitude for a love.
A love that makes me feel small. That makes me feel big. A love that makes me feel it all and also makes me feel nothing. A love in between dualities. Allowing both sides of the coin to exist at once and in so doing – if I am open enough to realize it –…
Belief. Grief
Belief makes things real. Does acceptance make them real? As it rains down, on my first day of yoga teacher training, I am reminded of a theory I developed recently – that it might rain on all of the important days of my life. Maybe not forever… but I forgot about it until today…