Category: Archive

  • For You Uncle Tommy

    The first sentence is always the hardest. But then I heard Uncle Tommy in my ear saying… Well that’s your first f#$%#ing sentence then. Move on…   Yesterday we wore blue for you. You wore blue too. That felt special.   There just simply aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe and honor a…

  • Always be mindful of your ability to fly.

    My blood is flowing with hot chocolate. Is hot chocolate an acceptable coping mechanism? I wonder that. It makes me feel cozy. It makes me feel warm and it tastes delicious. It reminds me of being a child and it feels like something that you can look forward to. It can be served alone or…

  • the air is real

    On Friday I was given the gift of sight. Seeing. To see. Really seeing things. Things that exist whether I see them or not you know? But what happened was … I learned how to really see them. I didn’t realize how blurry daily life can be until I took a moment to really see.…

  • #SundayStories Finding myself… back here.

    Oh wow. Have I been through a quiet storm this week. Quiet only in the sense that it has worked like wildfire – slowly and silently measuring the environment until the time was right for everything to burn away.     They catch everything. The embers. And you? Watch as the branches fall and trunks…

  • #SundayStories FRiNGE FRiNGE FRiNGE FRiNGE

    I believe people should be able to go where they please.  As a human race, we are all just renting space on this Earth, so who are you to tell me, where I can and can’t live? I want to be able to go where my heart desires and stay for as long as I…

  • #SundayStories Oh mannnn if you’re facing your fears then why are you still scared?

    My mirror is smudged. Can I see it anymore? Nobody sees in me what I know is in me. Nobody wants to help me make it. Write about my work? What is that world –> PRESENCE Feeling, Sensation -?? Judgement- Language So language – I want to take a back seat to feeling and sensation.…

  • #SundayStories Trust and Allow

    March is coming to an end. I listen to this podcast and it’s called Tarot for the Wild Soul. It’s amazing and every month she puts up a Monthly Medicine reading, with a mantra for the month. March is trust and allow. This month has been wild. But there is something that is coming back…

  • #SundayStories Healing Wounds and Soul Awakenings

    Healing wounds The moon cycles are so interesting. They are so powerful and I really feel like they affect me a lot. Actually I know they do. Yesterday’s new moon has got me EXHAUSTED. This whole week has been filled with random crying just like… crying about things that happened years ago. And whenever I…

  • #SundayStories – Wishing I never left, pretending I didn’t…

    Before Christmas I left Ireland and I had really run out of reasons to be there … legally. But in my heart and soul I had a million reasons to stay and a million reasons why I felt like I belonged. Belonging. It’s such a crazy concept. What does it mean to belong? Because there…

  • #SundayStories Rainbows, butterflies and lovey days.

    The more you do, the less you know, the more your curiosity can grow. This morning I meditated for a long time. I don’t usually do that but this morning I just let them keep playing. I went back to a past life. I also went to the future. I went deep with in to…