Weird II Beautiful
Am I going through the motions or being present in the moment? Going with the flow or riding the wave? It felt surreal to be on the plane all night. And when we landed in Dublin this morning I felt … weird. I usually feel relieved and excited and so many things, that’s just naming…
Visiting. Coming. Going. Staying. Leaving.
I flossed my teeth this morning. It was very painful and my gums were bleeding quite a bit. A while back, I made a really good habit of flossing daily. It was something I did for myself and it really made a difference to my daily life believe it or not. Somewhere along the line…
#Onmyown – cheeseburgers
Well this is something I just want to start sharing. Doing things on your own. It’s such an interesting thing in this world the way it is today. There is a stigma around doing things alone – from my experience anyway. That people will feel sorry for you because you are alone and so that…
Why I write (part 1 of many perhaps…)
I don’t normally do this… actually I’ve never done this. But what I wrote this morning in my journal is something I would like to share for the first time. (Ever. ever ever. Dun dun dun.) Stopped writing or a few days and a storm started brewing inside. My meditation this morning was about trusting…
Dancing in the rain
I danced in the rain today. Literally. But there’s something about that phrase – isn’t there a quote that goes something like … learn to dance in the rain? Something like that. Anyway – it’s such a funny process to go through – surrendering. I experienced it today in such a physical way that it…
Setting my desires free
This picture is of a painting that is transformative. Behind it are all of my desires for the next few months. I used to think that by writing them down and looking at them, by being reminded of them I could make them come true for myself. Then after receiving some responses back – a…
A declaration
I want to live my truth. I want to do what I say I am going to do – to be accountable. I want to be with my own company in peace. It hit me today … that none of us actually know just how far and wide our light shines really. We walk around…
Make art even if no one is watching.
Make art especially if no one is watching. How about that? I recently heard someone say – we learn best through stories. Why is it that we hold ourselves back until we find something that makes us feel validated? Do things for the sake of doing them. I recently experienced a deep-seated sadness and fear, I didn’t…
Learning to speak up, and to say no.
I have a dark cloud hanging over me these days. It’s been hard coming home to the realities of my family dynamic. I had an experience last week with a family member that left me feeling so upset – for the next two days I was upset and very sensitive to everything around me. I…
One Hundred and Eighty.
One hundred and eighty. 180. That’s the number of degrees it takes to shut my bathroom door. My new bathroom door that is – in my new home. 2016 man… what crazy year. My parents sold the house this year so my family home now belongs to someone else. I hope they are enjoying it.…