Hi… hello.
I don’t think I’ve ever introduced myself on here. I haven’t written in a while because … well most of the time I don’t write when things are going too well in my life. And also when things are not going well in my life I also don’t write out of self-sabotage. That’s what my…
the air is real
On Friday I was given the gift of sight. Seeing. To see. Really seeing things. Things that exist whether I see them or not you know? But what happened was … I learned how to really see them. I didn’t realize how blurry daily life can be until I took a moment to really see.…
Of Flattery
I’m just thinking about how that makes me feel. Being imitated. I used to get so annoyed with it. I don’t find it to be the highest form of flattery. Well at least I didn’t until I really started exploring the creative arts. I remember when I was growing up someone would come to school…
A big kid trapped in a little kid’s body
In a reversal of Big, the Tom Hanks classic from the 80s, your adult self is suddenly locked in the body of a 12-year-old kid. How do you survive your first day back in school? It’s simple. That’s how I feel now. But I would eat a LOT more ice cream. And the amount of pizza that I…