#SundayStories Inside outside
This is a freewrite exercise because sometimes I just want to write and I want to share things unfiltered but my fear holds me back. So I am going to do it this way today because I have realized that what I want to do with my life is share. I want to share my…
#SundayStories Lay off the gas
The way that we do things is who we are. The way we approach things is who we are. Something like this. Our humanity comes through in everything we do. Every single thing. It’s starting to make sense to me. The idea of what a whole self is and what a whole life is. You…
#SundayStories Receiving … weird.
Did you ever learn that rule about spelling words with i and e in them? I before e except after c…? Weird. ^^^ So that rule applies and is supposed to make things easier for us all. Except the word WEIRD is also WEIRD because it it is an exception to the rule. Receive is a…
#SundayStories It’s not scratch…
So I’m learning about value. Value – n. – a fair return or equivalent in goods, services or money for something exchanged; relative worth, utility or importance This is really huge for me. I have this idea about what the USA is. What it’s about. What my life would be like here. I have ideas.…
#SundayStories How simple is simple ?
Okay … I’ve been thinking about this one for a few days now. I don’t feel the same way about it that I even did when I wrote the title. But I will say this – simplicity is layered. Simplicity is something … that has the purest of intentions, the clearest of executions, but in…