I don’t know man… I am feeling excited for this Pluto in Aquarius transit. I really am. I wasn’t sure about it at first but the more I sit with it the more I am looking forward to what it might bring to the surface for me. Here’s my process of going through it right……
This feels like… something I want to keep a running list of. Questions for building and remembering and documenting Legacy. Question: What are yours? I’d love to know. It is my desire and intention to return to this and continue adding to it. And one day to be able to ask and record answers to…
It amazes me when I realize how important something is to me and how important it has always been andddd how I have learned to ignore it over time. Touch is one of those things for me. I am extremely sensitive to touch. If I touch things I don’t want to be touching it makes…
Frustration. Anger. I hear myself. Talking out loud to myself I hear myself say these words that remind me that this is a part of what is not actually me. Me at my core, me at my unique frequency. Me as I am designed. To be successful. To feel success. To be recognized. To feel…
Mercury in Retrograde
An article about Mercury Retrograde and a personal perspective on Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (Dec-Feb 2023). So I intended to write this last week. Started it and everything and even now I am procrastinating on it! It makes me laugh because it is big Mercury retrograde energy for me. I want to share a bit…
Why do I feel so much pressure?
An article about Capricorn season and its connection to a pressurized energy center in our bodies. Maybe some evidence to support you if you are feeling this pressure… to have it all figured out? to know your purpose in life? to have a New Year’s resolution? to stick to something? to hurry up and get…
Mars retrograde in Gemini
An article about the planet Mars in the sign of Gemini. When I decided to write these articles this was the first topic I brainstormed about. I had a revelation about what having Mars in Gemini brings to my life and specifically what it feels like this time around because Mars is retrograde. So when…
Is it written in the stars?
An article about Astrology as a tool for self discovery and how to get your chart. I remember when I was a teenager, I would google things about astrology. About my zodiac signs and what they meant. I always knew I was a Scorpio (sun) and over time and in passing I learned to identify…
Communication is the effort so action can flow with ease. Okay. I was expecting something. A meeting. It didn’t happen. I have consciously worked with the idea of this meeting and this relationship specifically. Specifically! Because this is a relationship that I thought and subsequently felt that I would really enjoy. I decided I would…
I learned to disconnect from, distrust, question my higher self. Realizing this. Horrifying. And there is a lot of confusion. I’m letting it be here. There are low feelings, I’m letting them be here. There is a lot of suffering. I am letting it be here. There is a rage that feels fiery hot. I…