Some days
Some days it just doesn’t happen. Some days I wake up angry. Some days I feel like I don’t know what to do with myself. Some days I have no idea what I want to eat. Some days I feel like cooking everything that we have in the fridge. Some days my heart physically hurts,…
Self- doubt
Okay I have this idea that I will write posts about all the ‘self’ words that are a part of my journey or that I love and I’ll have a series on here called Self- . So we shall see how that goes. I am in the depths of contemplating doubt and how it shows…
I embrace
Recently, I have had a number of indications that I am “coming back home to myself”. Yesterday I woke up with such an excitement about Neptune transiting my chart. I have been preparing to start writing articles on here about the things I am learning about and now I am wondering if this should be…
I accept
LOL. I want to write this … in my head. But when I sit with myself I’m like yes I’ll accept this, that and the other in 10 years !!! Then I’ll write about acceptance. No honestly that isn’t actually true. I have these wild moments, where I feel I can accept the truth of…
I allow
This is hard for me because I am realizing how much energy I spend on not allowing what is already happening. So I am deepening my dedication to my yoga practice in a 300 hour training this year. It started in September and will run until August. One of the things my teacher is sharing…
Not everything is as it seems …
And that’s okay. It doesn’t always feel okay. In fact it only feels okay right now haha! It’s taken a long time to get here actually, to the point where I can allow myself to be in my process, in real time, without feeling like I can only present it or exchange with it outside…
Today… august 23
So today I woke up feeling like I could just get up and get started with my day. This feeling is something I definitely took for granted. I have been reconnected with EFT – tapping. So I tap in the mornings now. To move energy and to expand on my path to unconditional love for…
Today … august 22
So today I am feeling like … there is so much relief in nature. The past few days I have been going out for walks and these walks have actually felt like the most ”productive” thing I do with my day. I realized that walking has become akin to writing for me. I have felt…
Today… august 19
Today … well today I feel I have been given a new lens through which to look at the world. There has been a lot of time for me to be with myself these past 12 days and I have learned so much about the spectrum of my own human experience. I’ve also seen how…
Today… august 18
So today I am thinking that I want to have a ceremony. A ceremony to honor all that has come before today . all that has supported the identity that I was creating, upholding and attaching to. You know when you experience something snd then realize it has changed you?? I realize how transformed I…