Some days my body wants to shut off from everything. Some days I am able to and some days I still have things to do.
What I am finding is that on the days where I am able to, I somehow still try to keep myself running and buzzing.
I’ll settle in to do something and then find myself checking my email, in case someone emailed. Start to write this post and then I need to scroll on LinkedIn. Why? I don’t know.
I find myself doing these things very often, on days off and otherwise.
Today I spent 3 hours in bed. In the afternoon. No phones, no devices, just chilling, relaxing and enjoying. I can’t remember the last time I did that where I wasn’t actually sleeping lol!
So I am observing myself. And I wish for my days, hours, minutes and moments “off” to actually be off. Off from the things that pull me away from myself. And off from the things that I do to pass the time or keep me busy.
These are things I want to do all the time if I’m honest. But I want to start with my days off, where I recognize that I have some time for me and I can be using it to nourish myself. To listen to my body. So that is what I am observing, becoming aware of and taking action upon as best as I can.
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