The other day as I was meditating, a memory flashed into my mind about a January day in 2017. I was on my way back to Ireland after a 5 week stay at home for the holidays. I had just finished my Masters and was celebrating that accomplishment. I was also in love. Deeply in love.
I felt literally on top of the world that day on the plane because I knew that when it landed my love would be there waiting for me. As I got off, went through customs and made my way into the airport – I was greeted with the happiest face waiting for me so that we could take the bus together. The feeling – was something like that excitement and joy that brings tears to your eyes mixed with the feeling that comes when you feel like you know that something exciting is about to happen but you have no idea what it is even though you also feel like you’ve known it your whole life.
Tingly, happy, joyful, tearful, warmth and excitement. I love that feeling. I cried as I remembered it because I LOVED that moment. And I loved it in the moment of remembering as much as I hope that I loved it when it was actually happening.
It got me thinking about a few of the other feelings I like. So I want to share them.
You know the acronym – TFW? It’s super popular on the socials. I always wondered what the HECK this stood for – I just couldn’t figure it out hahah and if you are reading this and you know me, then you KNOW that I love a good abbreviation or acronym for things.
So it means “that feeling when”. And it feels appropriate to use it now – here are a few of my faves:
… the timer is about to go off letting you know that your pizza is ready
… you step outside and the sun comes out from behind a cloud and shines on your face to welcome you to the day
… you step into the shower and let the warm water wash the cold off your skin
… climbing into your bed after a long day
… getting BACK into your bed after you get up to pee
… taking a nap in the afternoon
… staying in bed on a day where you don’t have to get up
… smelling hot chocolate right before you take the first sip
… sitting down at a restaurant in front of someone who you are excited to see
… toasting to something you are happy about
… getting a hug from someone who makes you feel loved
… you are so in love with someone that you can’t help but smile till your face hurts
… you laugh so hard that you just want to keep talking about the same thing so you can keep laughing
… curling up on the couch to watch your favorite show
… pulling the blanket up rightttt underneath your chin
… being tucked in by someone you love (#nobedbugs)
… catching the full moon by accident
… holding hands – you know the kind of holding hands where you intertwine fingers and clasp palms
Speaking of… another joyful memory – the previous summer to the first story – after a full summer of not seeing each other, but knowing that we were in love – only took like 2 weeks to figure that part out for me anyway… we waited to see each other again for the whole summer.
When we did – we met at a familiar place to take the walk back to my house. On the way back we clasped hands. Fingers intertwined and palms touching, I was reminded instantly of the deep love that had never gone away. And also of a time a few months back when I could feel two heartbeats almost coming together – through our hands.
You know when you can feel your pulse somewhere else in your body? I felt it through our two hands. It was beautiful.
When we clasped hands that summer’s eve – it was magic. The beginning of pure magic.
Those are the kind of feelings I love with every fiber of my being. The first sip of hot chocolate, catching the full moon by accident, curling up on the couch to watch my show, fall in love and smile till your face hurts because someone who you love is waiting for you at the airport kind of feelings.
You deserve them. I deserve them. Let’s soak them up. This is what life is about.
Joy to all and peace in your hearts. Be well dear friends.
Talk soon,
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