With everything that is going on in the world, I feel compelled to use my privilege and good fortune to share. I want to contribute and I asked the Universe to help support me in this. I hope that it can offer something to whoever finds it. Thank you for being here. I love you. Click the link below to listen.
I am love meditation
Find a comfortable seat, or feel free to lie down. Just take a moment to find a place where you can feel comfortable and safe to be still. You can close your eyes or allow your eyelids to become heavy.
Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
On your next exhale, sigh all of the air out of your lungs and then begin again with the next breath taking a nice deep inhale into your belly, filling the rib cage, up to the chest and then sighing it all out.
Inhaling again into the belly, into the ribcage and the chest and sighing it all out.
Once again, inhaling deeply deeply into the belly, filing up the ribcage and the chest, pausing here for just a moment, and then sighing it all out.
Place your hands somewhere that feels comfortable for you where you can be still and bring your attention to the top of your head.
As you notice the top of your head, allow yourself to be with whatever you feel in your sensations right now.
Bring your attention down the top of your head to the back of your skull, to your face.
Your forehead, your eyebrows and the space in between your eyebrows,
your cheek bones, your nose the space above your lips, your lips and your jaw,
your chin the back of your head, the base of your skull,
your neck… down your neck to your collar bones, your shoulder blades, your upper back and chest,
down your arms your upper arms, elbows, lower arms, wrists, palms of the hands, fingers, fingertips.
Back to your chest, down to your stomach, your mid-back, your low back, your belly,
to your hips, hip joints, to your thighs, your glutes,
your knees, your lower legs, shins, to your ankles, to the tops of your feet, the soles of your feet, your toes.
Take a nice deep breath.
And notice what you can hear.
Perhaps you notice the most prominent sound around you. And then maybe the quietest or the least prominent sound that you can hear.
And whether your eyes are open or they’re closed, notice what you can see.
Notice what you can smell.
Notice what you can taste.
And notice what you can feel.
See if you can bring your attention to all five of your senses at once. And as you concentrate your attention and bring all of your attention to your present awareness of your senses,I want you to allow yourself to introduce the mantra:
I am love.
Shift your attention tot he repetition of this mantra and sit with this mantra for a few moments. Any time you notice your attention straying away or your thoughts shifting to something else, simply return back to the mantra, I am love.
I am love
I am love
As you continue to repeat this mantra, I want you to notice, a beautiful warm bright light shining down on you. Perhaps it feels like the rays of sun. A warm, beautiful white light shines down from the heavens.
And in it… through it… you can hear the voice of your higher self coming through.
And this voice is here to ease your mind and to allow you to feel okay with being here right now.
It brings you wisdom and in this wisdom it says:
We all contribute to the collective consciousness. Whether we actively participate, acknowledge it or otherwise, everything we are and all that we do is a contribution to the energetic frequency of our universe. In these uncertain times, we can take the invitation to turn inwards. When I look outside myself right now, my mind tries to think of all the things that are or could be going on. And when I do that, I feel helpless. Bordering on hopeless. It can be easy at times for me to get caught there in this low frequency place where fear can continue to thrive on me placing my energy into a stream of thoughts and consequent actions that feed off of that which I cannot control.
But now… I take control over what I can control. I can control myself. I can control my thoughts and my actions. I can choose in every moment to feel the best thing I can feel and thing that I can think in that moment. And this, I believe, contribute positive and loving energy from me out in to the world.
I am love. I am loved.
I am safe.
My present moment brings me closer to my soul.
I have control over my thoughts.
My thoughts contribute to the collective.
I choose the next best-feeling thought in each moment.
I choose to feel loved in this moment.
I acknowledge and honor how I feel right now and I am thankful for making the choice to listen to these words.
Choosing to prioritize my health and good feelings is the best thing I can do for the world right now.
Through these words I send and spread love.
I can control my present moment thought.
And in this present moment I think:
I am love. I am loved.
Through these words I send and spread love.
Take a few moments to bring yourself back to your breath. Allow your breath to invigorate your body.
Give yourself thanks for choosing to listen to these words and for choosing thoughts that contribute love to the world. As you continue to breath perhaps you allow your breath to deepen just a little bit.
And on your next exhale sighing all the air out of your lungs.
Placing one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly.
Take a nice deep inhale filling he belly the ribcage and the chest… and sighing it out.
Once again inhaling to fill the belly the ribcage and the chest and sighing it al out.
And for the third time, inhaling deeply, filling the belly, the ribcage an the chest with love and exhaling sending out love with each breath.
I want you to know that you are loved. And this is a wonderful thing that you are doing for the world by being here. Any time you need this as a resource come back and listen to this to remind yourself that you are love and you are loved and taking care of yourself is the best possible thing you can do for the world right now.
Thank you.
This meditation was created by me, channeled by my support from the Universe. Inspired by people who have inspired me and whom I have learned from, including Emily Torockio, Gabby Bernstein, Louise Hay along with many others. Thank you for being here with me.
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