I was wondering today – if I say I wonder instead of I think – then does it make it easier for me to put things out into the world?
Do you ever feel afraid to just say what you think? Question yourself like – well who am I to think that? How do I even know that? Can I actually share these things?
Stop. Stop and breathe.
Do you ever hear the voice inside of you that’s always saying the best things? Always sending you love always telling you that they are there for you making sure you know that they are supporting you all the way.
Sometimes I have to just ask for them to be there so that I can hear them myself. Not because they aren’t always there – (because they are always there), but because I can’t hear them unless I ASK.
Let’s try it…
Everything we experience is a reflection of everything that’s going on inside of ourselves.
I wonder… is everything we experience a reflection of everything that’s going on inside of ourselves?
So – what do you think? Do you believe it or not? When there is a war going on outside do you believe that it is a reflection of a war that’s going on inside? When people are gasping to breathe do you believe that inside of you there is something gasping for air?
When you look around and see people starving for food can you feel that there is something within you that is starving too?
We are all connected. The moment that something affects one of us it affects all of us. The moment something affects you it affects us all. The moment something affects me it affects us all.
I wonder about that… but really I know it’s true.
The wondering is just a human covering for what I know to be true within the depths of my soul. A graceful human covering that is actually a covering for thinking. Wondering feels better than thinking.
Thinking gets a bad rep.
I’ve tortured myself for thinking too much. But without my mind how can I have experienced all that I have?
I wonder what to do though with all of these things that cross by – the things that pass throughout the day. And it distresses me.
I’m learning, though, to let what passes simply pass. But now I’m left with what stays. And what stays wants to be heard.
Today I had an experience of not feeling heard. I know now – that I need to hear myself first. So that means I need to say … really say… what I need to say.
And not have to call it anything but just say it.
We are all connected. There is no doubt in my soul about that. So what goes on through my eyes is a reflection of what is trapping my soul.
Our humanity keeps us here. Our breath keeps us here. Our bodies keep us here. So what happens when we go?
The internal is released. My prayers have been about the wrong things and to the wrong places.
Returning to wonder is something that brings me joy. What about you?
Talk soon,
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