Book yoga, astrology, meditation with Bianca

I embrace

Recently, I have had a number of indications that I am “coming back home to myself”.

Yesterday I woke up with such an excitement about Neptune transiting my chart. I have been preparing to start writing articles on here about the things I am learning about and now I am wondering if this should be one of them.

Neptune is one of the slowest moving planets so it can be in a sign for a long time … like 15+ years a long time lol. Currently it has been in Pisces since 2011, 2012 officially.

There’s not too much for me to say about it, in terms of what the revelation is about, except that I feel the truth of the significance of this so deeply. You know when you read something or hear something and you just know … ‘this is important for me’?

That is how I felt when I rediscovered this info from a new angle. It has a special relationship to my contemplations on self doubt.

So when this clicked, the first thing I did was look at my charts. And by charts I mean my natal astrology chart and my human design chart. Now I’ve been synthesizing these things for about 2.5 years now (officially) and I am learning to recognize certain patterns. It is veryyyyy exciting which is part of the motivation for writing articles.

Anyway, there are certain things that are happening. Which is what I have been writing about you know? People are dying. I am moving into a new place. My life is changing. I am embracing new work life and new career paths and deconditioning from what no longer serves me. And I am doubting and there are limiting beliefs and there is suffering and there are planets that are placed in certain areas of my chart and certain areas of the sky which are all here.

So I feel like what I do is I embrace the information into the chaos as a way to soothe it. Like … wow this Neptune transit is actually meant to bring disillusion or a veiling or a magic or an illusion or a desire to merge and transcend and even a lack of clarity or fog over this area in my life.

There were times when I would read that and I would say “nope not me though. It won’t happen to me, I’ll get only the magical bits.” And now what I’m realizing in this season of life is how much energy goes into the upkeep of the resistance to the bits I don’t want to experience. To the stories that keep me safe. To the ideas of what I don’t want.

It is tiring. And what happens when I embrace it? Well in this moment it is actually making me feel better! And I am recognizing a pattern that I’ve had of resisting things until I surrender to them and that the “scary” or “sad” or “negative” parts of what I am experiencing are beautifully transformative. And make space for the lightness in life.

I feel the gravity of how held back I feel from this process. And I feel that I have enough space from it now to see it for what it is and love it and let it transform.

Embrace. The prefix em means ‘within’. So that to me indicates that in some way I need to let myself be within the things. Like … this is what is happening and I am allowing myself to be in this.

Yes. So thanks Neptune. For the revelations of the past 10 years. The illusions. It has been going through my 3rd house. Over my unconscious moon.

To me this means that I am in the middle of something to do with my local neighborhood, siblings, communications, thought processes, relatives (third house) and my unconscious driving force, the thing that reflects the light of my consciousness (unconscious moon) and that I may not exactly be sure of what it is until it’s over because their may be some illusion involved here.

And that feels good. Permission. It feels like permission. Permission to be in the not knowing. Permission to be in the truth of the not knowing. Permission to be in truth.

Wow. Yes.

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practicing how I want to be in life

B Source Library Articles

This is a collection of both an archive and present day musings. Archived stories of past B on the journey of evolution mixed in with current desires to share processes, thoughts, discoveries and tools used on the journey of self-discovery, creative embodiment and remembering my wholeness.