In the spirit of continuing to be in community whilst we must distance ourselves, I want to make sure that you all know how much we all deserve joy. I’ve asked the Universe, as always, to support me in this effort and I do believe that we are all deserving of joy. Joy is your superpower. Thank you for being here. Click the link below to listen.
Invoking Joy Meditation Audio
Make yourself comfortable. Whether it’s finding a seat or lying down, find a way to feel comfortable in this moment to be still. Allow your eyelids to become heavy, you can fully close your eyes if you feel safe to do so. And just take a moment to check in with your breath.
Take a nice deep inhale, deeply inhaling down into the belly, filling the ribcage and the chest, and sighing everything out. Once again inhaling deeply into the belly, filling the ribs and then up to the chest and sigh it all out. Last time inhaling deep down into the belly, filling the ribcage, filling the chest and sighing everything out.
Allow your breath to take it’s own rhythm. And bring your attention to the top of your head.
Notice how the top of your head feels and track your awareness as your attention travels down through your body, slowly trickling down from the top of your head.
Down the skull, down the forehead, the eyebrows and the space in between the eyebrows,
the temples the ears the back of the skull the eyes, allow your eyes to sink back into your head.
Down the nose and the cheekbones, the lips the jaw the chin, down your neck to your collar bones
your shoulder blades, down your arms the upper arms the elbows the lower arms, the wrists.
Your hands the palms of your hands the backs of your hands, fingers and fingertips.
Back to the space of your chest, your mid-back down your spine to your lower back
across the front to your diaphragm and your stomach. Your lower belly and your sacrum,
your pelvis and your hips your thighs and your glutes, the backs of your thighs
down to your knees down your shins and your calves, to your ankles and your feet.
The soles of your feet the tops of your feet and your toes.
Allow yourself to be with the sensation and the awareness of your body. And take a moment with an invitation of gratitude for this body that you have.
In your minds eye, bring your attention to your heart as we allow the imagination to take us into a visualization for invoking joy.
Allow yourself to be at ease as you listen to these words as if they were your own.
In times of uncertainty and unknown, sometimes fear can take over. Sometimes guilt can arise over moments of happiness love and laughter. Sometimes we can feel like we need to stay low, be silent, somber and sad because we know there is suffering and unrest in the world. But we all deserve joy.
Joy is our birthright. And the best thing we can do for ourselves and our fellow humans is share our high frequency feelings into the world. We are always contributing energy, whether we are conscious of our contribution or not.
So now, I applaud you for being here and making the choice to reconnect with joy and send your high-frequency love out into the world. The world needs it and the world needs you. Let us breed joy together.
Feel into your heart. Imagine that in your heart is a beautiful gem. A diamond, a ruby, a looking glass, a snow globe, something that you can look into and see the truth.
Look into this gem in your heart and picture the face of someone you love.
See them smiling at you. With a warm, beautiful and loving smile. They are simply beaming at you. And they are looking at you almost as if to say “I love you so much and it brings me the deepest joy to be here with you.”
Take a few moments to be with them. Notice their smile and take it in. Allow how it makes you feel to fill you up with lightness and the energy of joy.
Now take a moment to step back and notice that you are actually in a room full of people who are all doing the same thing. Each of you with a loved one smiling and feeling the joy of being present with one another.
Your loved one turns to the person next to them and smiles.
You turn to the person next to you and you smile. And the cycle continues.
Before you know it the entire room of people has met with and shared joy through smiling with everyone.
You all come together again in a circle and take a moment to feel gratitude for how easily joy can be sparked and how contagiously it spreads.
In this moment you are guided by a deep knowing that reminds you that this is what you were made for. This is why you are here. To feel, express and spread joy. What a blessing you give to the world with your presence and your expression.
With a final breath of gratitude, you leave your friends and your loved ones behind knowing that you can all come together at any time to feel this joy. And you can reconnect to this joyful experience any time to raise your frequency and lift your vibration.
It matters that you are here. And it matters how you show up. Take one last look at the gem of your heart that allowed you to access your true joyful essence and capture this moment.
You carry this with you everywhere you go. Joy is your super power. Breathe into your heart and let joy carry you back into your day.
Thank you for being here. And for doing this for yourself and for the world.
I hope you know that this makes a huge impact and I hope that you, as you come back to your breath and to yourself, know that you are loved. And I love you. Thank you.
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