You’re sitting at a café when a stranger approaches you. This person asks what your name is, and, for some reason, you reply. The stranger nods, “I’ve been looking for you.” What happens next?
So I’m probably sitting down in a Starbucks having a PSL because it’s September, finally. Even though since I’m in Dublin now, I’d rather be sitting in Butlers or Bewley’s. SO! I am in one of the three anyway and I am enjoying my nice warm drink and my gorgeous scone with butter and jam, just minding my own business when this good looking stranger comes up to me. He or she asks my name and I reply- “Bianca Paige Smith.”
To which this stranger says, “I’ve been looking for you. I saw you perform on stage in Take the Floor this summer and you were absolutely amazing. We would love to have you be a part of this new show we are starting up. Would you be interested?”
To which this stranger says, “I’ve been looking for you. I heard you on the radio the other day and was absolutely taken by your voice. You have a great on-air presence and we would love to have to host our radio show. How about it?”
To which this stranger says, “I’ve been looking for you. I’ve been reading your blog and I think it is unbelievable. The blog is such a great read and I would love to offer to sponsor your blog. I’m hoping we might possibly discuss a book deal going forward.”
To which this stranger says, “I’ve been looking for you. I’ve just seen a video of the piece you directed a few months back. It was so well done. We are producing a new show and would love for you to be a part of the team. We’re looking for a creative director and we think you’d be perfect.”
My stranger is coming to me. I day dream about any of these moments all day everyday. But it’s because I know it will happen. One day soon I will achieve some sort of greatness in my world and then from there… I will be able to achieve greatness in the world at large. First, I will do for me and then, I will do for you.
I know it’s coming. My stranger is coming to me.
Inspired by The Daily Post
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