An article about the planet Mars in the sign of Gemini.
When I decided to write these articles this was the first topic I brainstormed about. I had a revelation about what having Mars in Gemini brings to my life and specifically what it feels like this time around because Mars is retrograde.
So when a planet goes retrograde it appears to be moving backwards in the sky but its actually not. Every planet goes retrograde except for the Sun and the moon. If you look at your birth chart (see this article to learn how to get your chart and a great resource for getting it) you can see if any of the planets were retrograde when you were born.
Mars was retrograde when I was born and it was in the sign of Gemini. Right now, in the sky, Mars is retrograde in Gemini. So I am experiencing the energy that I was born under and imprinted with. It has been really interesting every time Mars goes retrograde and even more so now that it is also in Gemini.
Now retrograde energy brings a lot of ‘re’ words. reflect, reconsider, reorganize, reevaluate. It can be a time of slowing things down whether we like it or not. It can also bring up things that need to be ‘re’-whatevered!
Having a retrograde Mars in my birth chart has showed up in these ways through me feeling like I have to trial and error my way through life sometimes. I sometimes need to refine or redirect myself. That feels natural to me since that is the energy I was born under. For others who don’t have retrograde energy in their chart, or when a planet goes retrograde that is not retrograde in their chart, it can feel a bit jarring to have to ‘re’ anything! So this is interesting to keep in mind for this time right now where we are all being influenced by a Mars retrograde energy.
I want to put together some of my observations and lessons I’ve been learning this time around.
- I have to move.
- Talking and acting sometimes go together.
- Not every thought should be acted upon.
- Sometimes I need to hold my tongue.
- Daily nervous system regulation has changed my life.
1. I have to move
Observing myself over time, I realize that the quality of my life is very dependent on the amount of movement I do. But it is also about the quality of the movement. Mars is hot. It is the hottest planet and so wherever it is, it brings its heat. So I have had to experiment over time with how I move, when I move, what I do and how much.
When I was younger, I was a competitive Irish Dancer. This type of activity was not the most beneficial Mars in Gemini activity I could do. It heated me up too much and resulted in being fiercely competitive and using my words to cut. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so I can see how too much heated activity gave me a sharp tongue when it came to what I did.
Now I do yoga and I walk. It’s much more gentle and I find it to be way more supportive. I also went through periods of time in my life where I didn’t really move. A lot of those periods of time affected my mental health. Gemini is an air sign which is connected with the mental plane. Mercury is also connected to the thought process and my Mars is in the 6th house of illness. So not moving enough or in the most supportive ways affected my mental health.
2. Talking and acting sometimes go together.
This one is really interesting to me. Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is generally associated with thinking, learning and communicating, having Mars there has connected these things together. Mars is generally associated with taking action, defending and cutting or severing and so if I have something to figure out I usually have to walk and talk about it at the same time.
Walking and talking is a great combo for me. Now this is deepened for me because my Mercury is in Scorpio so these two planets are living in each other’s signs, which is called mutual reception. I might write more about mutual reception some time.
Yes though, it’s about acting to get the thoughts out. Not about acting on everything I’m thinking…
3. Not every thought should be acted upon.
As I said… it’s not about thinking and acting together. It’s about using action as a method to move the energy that thinking creates. One thing I have learned about myself is that I don’t always need to think about things to change things, especially if it is something that is bothering me. I can’t think my way out of it.
As I mentioned, air signs are associated with the mental plane and so there is a lot of energy buzzing around in this area of my chart that needs somewhere to go or something to do. So when I have all these thoughts, they build up as energy and I need to get it out.
But after acting upon many thoughts and paying many consequences, my experimenting has led me to relying on walking and talking aloud to help me process. After that I usually have a clearer sense then of what action to actually take. And all the thoughts got some love. Win win.
4. Sometimes I need to hold my tongue.
Because sometimes I want to say words that could cut. Deep. Sometimes my mind makes up so much story and I feel it can fire me up really strongly, especially when it comes to things that have to do with friends and family.
So I have learned how Mars in Gemini can be words that wage wars and start fights and can be aggressive.
I have learned a lot over the years about how and what to share. Thanks to studying Human Design (I might start writing about this too) and knowing that I am a Projector, most of the time it’s really about waiting to be invited to speak.
That helps. A lot. And as I mentioned up there in number 2 and 3, when there are words that really need to get out, I have my tools to support getting them out where they will burn or cut the least.
5. Daily nervous system regulation has changed my life.
Yep. Not too much to say about that except what I am doing and what I mean by that. Nervous system regulation, in my words, is when my body can respond appropriately to the type and amount of stress I am experiencing at any given moment.
What I do to expand my capacity to do that is walking and yoga as well as putting my bare feet on the grass every day and getting sunlight into my eyes as early in the day as I can and drinking adrenal cocktails. I might write more about this stuff too some day.
It is a game changer. Mercury has ties with the nervous system as a messenger in our body …so my Mars being in Gemini in my chart suggests that any excessive heat can impact my nervous system. I feel that this suggestion is spot on. So I do what I can.
Where is Mars in your chart? The symbol for Mars is ♂.
What house is Gemini in your chart? The symbol for Gemini is ♊︎.
Where is Mars retrograde in Gemini showing up in your chart? These are places where you can ask yourself the following:
- Where do I feel the heat in my life? How does a need to defend or cut ties show up in my life? What does my personal power feel like?
- Where does the energy of all my thoughts go? How is my mental processing affected by my actions?
- Do I feel my words are charged lately? Do I feel others’ words are charged lately?
- What am I being asked to reevaluate in terms of this area of my life?
- Where am I being asked to reconsider information (or misinformation) in my life?
We are all experiencing this energy until January 12th and then Mars will stay in Gemini until March 25, 2023.
If you want to talk more about it or anything in your chart, book a session with me. You’re invited. Would you like to sit and take a look at the magic of your chart together? Book your session on my calendar.
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