Well this is something I just want to start sharing. Doing things on your own. It’s such an interesting thing in this world the way it is today.
There is a stigma around doing things alone – from my experience anyway. That people will feel sorry for you because you are alone and so that must mean you “have no friends”. “Oh the poor thing, look at her over there on her own.”
Blahblahblah ya know?
Anyway, I was in Dublin on my own last week, volunteering at the Dublin Dance Festival. I had a few days of volunteering and evenings to see shows etc. I had to eat obviously. But I was on my own… oh no.
Bunsen. Absolutely unreal cheeseburgers. How could I not? So walked in there and answered the dreaded question… “no it’s just me”. Got a seat at the bar because I’m a loner and don’t deserve a table. (LOL enjoying writing in the added drama I have to say).
I sat down and ordered my cheeseburger. Immediately went on the phone to call my dad. So at least if I was on the phone then I wouldn’t seem like a poor, sad, lonely gal eating a cheeseburger alone because I have no friends. Had a nice chat with my dad till my dinner arrived but I needed two hands to eat this thing so had to weather the storm alone then.
I sat there, with my own self, and I think I enjoyed it lol. Sometimes when we feel like we are doing something weird its hard to enjoy it but being on your own and enjoying your own company shouldn’t be weird.
The cheeseburger was unreal. Till about halfway through when nature called – I had to pee! Now here is the fascination I have with this idea of being #onmyown – I panicked for a second and I was like oh god – I’m on my own and so what happens if they take my dinner away while I’m gone to the bathroom because they think I’m done! HAHA it might be a bit silly but it was so genuine at the time. Never would have had that thought if I wasn’t having dinner on my own.
I had to take the risk! It would have ruined my meal otherwise because I would have been uncomfortable. So I left and I made it SO QUICK in case I had been burgerled (LOL).
Came back. Dinner intact. Delighted. It’s tough being on my own, but I think I’m starting to enjoy my own company more and more. Being in the studio alone has allowed me to confront/acknowledge/appreciate a lot about myself which I think made the burger experience that much more bearable. More on that later… Thoughts for a rainy Monday anyway.
PS. Photo credit goes to the talented Caleb Purcell who has asked me to allow him into my studio sessions – where yes, I am alone, enjoying my own company (sometimes) to capture a bit of the soul of my dance maybe? Not sure what he would call it!
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