So what is your positive obsession B?
ALRIGHT! Well I asked a friend this question because I thought it was so super interesting. I mean honestly as human beings – for me as a human being anyway – I find that I have tendencies, habits, things that I fall into. It’s like the mind – our mind is going to think no matter what we do, until I reach the ultimate Samadhi of course (yogi’s journey). But until then, I may as well direct and guide myself to build habits of thinking positive and beneficial thoughts.
So I love this question because it’s like – okay there is a tendency to become obsessed with things and so if that’s there – I may as well choose something to be obsessed with that is a positive influence in my life.
At the moment I would say my positive obsession is Astrology. But that boils down to a bigger topic – self-discovery and self-acceptance. Which I really feel boils down to my biggest positive obsession – understanding others and learning about others.
Yes. There is that – that is a big one. I love the idea of being able to sit down and have a conversation with someone and me being who I am and their being who they are – between us we are able to influence and learn from and support each other. But what I really love most is holding space for others, allowing them to be guided through conversation or through time and space by me.
When I was in middle school and high school I studied Latin. I think the biggest takeaway that I can see in my life now from all those years of study is that I love to write in the passive voice. Latin was where I really learned about active and passive voice.
I LOVE TO WRITE IN THE PASSIVE VOICE. I write newsletters for the collective that I dance with and I am constantly being corrected on my passive voice. I’m not sure why passive voice gets a bad rep. I love it. It’s so romantic to me.
It feels elegant like the way people used to speak back in the 17 and 1800s – a time period that I am clearly obsessed with. A positive obsession? Hmm… curious… I think yes.
So letting these things float off the fingertips, the preference is usually to write in passive voice whenever I can. It feels like an embellishment. I go back and fix things if they sound wrong or weird or the sentences are too long.
One of my interns told me that I speak in run on sentences. So when she used to take notes for our meetings she would write down my million thoughts as one sentence and then chop it all up LOL. (By the way I just separated that statement into two sentences haha!)
Wow. My team was so incredible honestly. Without them I don’t know if I’d be able to allow myself to dream as big as I am now. I mean I’ve always had huge dreams but with the execution and the skill and the teamwork and support that I’ve been given, so many new things have also come up that are connected to the seeds I had sown before these incredible people were a part of my life.
I am welcoming two new team members next week and I am very excited about that. The visioning continues.
I am weary of my schedule this fall. Things are not quite falling into place yet but I am concerned that there will be too many commitments and not enough resources aka money. Not a positive obsession LOL
Here’s a positive obsession for sure – Two Can Do. Two Can Do feels like… my life’s work LOL but I know it’s not the only thing I will ever create. It feels like the first thing that has been created through me and that is the way I realized that I want to feel whilst in the creative process. Like I am being guided by something bigger than myself – to bring something into the world that is needed. Like a vehicle for divine creativity.
I am also positively obsessed with ice cream. LOL is it positive ? I feel like it is because it literally brings only joy into my life. Pure joy. Everything about it. I love it.
Positively obsessed … I love that. Reminds me of positive denial that I learned from Marianne Williamson in her book called the Law of Divine Compensation.
So I’m positively obsessed and in positive denial. Why the heck not?
Talk soon,
** Photo was taken by my phone – on a good old selfie-timer! Love it! Hilton Head, SC.
Octavia’s Parables :Parable of the Sower Podcast
What is your relationship to the stars?
What is your relationship to change?
What is your positive obsession?
What are your recurring dreams?
What am I being invited to come home to within myself?
How can I fully embrace this homecoming?
What am I being invited to release in order to do this?
What is supporting me in this sacred work?
Where am I on my Soul’s journey at this moment?
How am I being asked to be of service at this time?
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