Okay how about one. Just one.
I want to answer the questions below – they have been taken from different sources. I should link those sources actually.
I want to answer these questions because it’s September. Because the moon is full. Because I want to and it feels right. Because I love to write and I love to be here, in my room, by myself, with my salt lamp on. Lying on my bed with a pillow on my lap and this computer on top of the pillow. Fingertips floating across the keys in a way that allows me to feel like I can let everything else float away. Concept of time, space, concept of reality even. Buh byeeeee.
Writing. Answering these questions feels like my way of indulging in the full moon and allowing myself to be with what it’s bringing. Which seems to be deep. My bones hurt. That’s the depth of it.
So I think I’ll take my time to answer these questions and I’ll do one at a time.
What is your relationship to the stars?
This is beautiful. My relationship to the stars is plentiful… many things come up when I answer this question. One is that I’ve been gifted a star in the sky. There is a star named after me. I was only reflecting on that today with a friend. What a beautiful gift to receive.
The stars are us. The stars are little specs in a place far far away. We must appear that way to them. We are the stars then as the stars are to us. Also my relationship to the stars is one that allows me to recognize the truth in believing what I cannot always see. I know they are there.
Once I saw the stars in their truest expression. The truest expression I’ve ever experienced anyway. It was the night sky in a tiny little town in Ireland near Donegal. It looked like DIAMONDS. I was blown away. There is way less light pollution there and there were absolutely NO street lights or any lights on for that matter. It was around the time of my 28th birthday. I was with one of my favorite people on the planet.
We saw the diamond sky together. It was truly magnificent. What issssss my relationship to the stars though…
If each star in the sky was as unique as each human on the planet, which I think it is, then my relationship to the stars is individual and also all-encompassing. All is one and one is all. The stars are within me and around me. I am a star and I am the stars.
My relationship to the stars… The stars feel like peep holes into the abyss of the Universe. They feel like the eyes of God.
We can’t own them. We probably can’t really name them after ourselves. But I love the thought that there is one out there with my name. It makes me feel like the stars are within me. So I can shine my light as brightly as that beautiful star does in the sky. Unapologetically really. Doing it’s job by being itself. Lighting up everything from the inside out. How beautiful. My relationship to the stars is beauty and gratitude.
Talk soon,
** Photo credit goes to Erris Burke. Oh man I just remembered that I haven’t done it for the last couple of posts.
Octavia’s Parables :Parable of the Sower Podcast
What is your relationship to the stars?
What is your relationship to change?
What is your positive obsession?
What are your recurring dreams?
What am I being invited to come home to within myself?
How can I fully embrace this homecoming?
What am I being invited to release in order to do this?
What is supporting me in this sacred work?
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